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Fernando held Mabel's head up to him as the tears continued streaming down his face, "Mabel... Please..." He said weakly as Mabel was trying to regain consciousness. "Mabel... I love you, I always did. Even when we were twelve, I never forgot about you, I didn't want you to suffer with Gideon and I certainly don't want you to suffer like this but my fate has been decided, I can't live with the fact that you're dead, so I might as well not live at all. And with that, here's my final song to you..." Fernando whispered in her ear, to him, the rest of the world had disappeared, it was only them. Only them and his singing his last song. Mabel couldn't speak, she had trouble breathing but she listened.

Fernando picked up his Spanish guitar and strummed it gently, still sitting beside Mabel. He then opened his mouth to sing, his voice smooth and melodic, Mabel closed her eyes for the second to listen. When she opened them, the song was no longer heard.

Mabel then got up with a bolt of energy, as if her life was restored, she looked over to the ocean near the park and her eyes widened in shock. It was a merman with long dark-brown hair and skin like Fernando but from his vivid green tail, he was unconscious and slowly dissolving into sea foam. Mabel realized who the man of her dreams, her lover, her husband, her Fernando...

Was Mermando. The merman she met six years ago, the merman she befriended and had her first kiss with. He was the man of her dreams.

Mabel's eyes filled with tears as to the fact that now he was gone, he placed her hand around her neck and felt a clam shell necklace. The same as Mermando's, she held on to it tightly as she sobbed. Her love was now broken.

Bill was watching as he was laughing insanely, "fools! True love can never exist from deals like mine. The only way Mabel can EVER see Mermando again is if she stops loving him, but until then they will be separated forever."

And with that the demon disappeared. Knowing that they would never reunite because of the unbreakable bond her and Mermando had.

So yeah, this is the last chapter of this. I kind of wanted to get this done so I could focus on a fic called 'Hidden Heritages' which will be posted on here and SORRY ABOUT THE FEELS. Also, he video above is what Mermando/Fernando sings to Mabel before he dies :(

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