aye, aye, captain

Start from the beginning

Harry hums in reply, "It is, I love coming here." 

"You never told me you came here over summer," Louis says, not really knowing why. But he just wonders.

"We didn't go the year we moved to Doncaster," Harry tells him, "The summer I met you we spend in England." 

"That must've sucked." 

Harry shakes his head and lowers his voice, "It didn't, it was the best summer ever."

Louis really wants to reply something but he can't, he's frozen on spot. Harry liked the summer he spend with Louis in fucking Doncaster better than all the dream summers he spend in France. 

"Hey guys, why don't we stop here and eat some lunch?!" Gemma yells, successfully stopping this awkward moment. 

Harry stops the boat and coughs a bit, "Let's- uhm, let's eat. Mum made some sandwiches and I packed some snack-"

"Harry," Louis stops him, gripping his arm before he walks away. 

"It was my best summer, too." 

Harry nods, anxiety fading away in his body while Louis takes the cooling bag and other things they need for lunch. 


"Can you like, live on this thing? It has a full bed room," Louis frowns. 

Gemma nods, "Mom and dad sometimes go on trips and stay in this boat." 

"Woah, sounds incredible!"

Harry smiles at how enthusiastic Louis is about all this, he's been so hyper and happy today. In and out the water, trying every diving technique he could come up with.

Harry has held his heart 6 times, wishing he wouldn't be so dangerous, but it's Louis. He never breaks something but does all the shit that cause fractures with normal people. 

"Geez, how much sugar did you feed him, Haz?" 

"He has ADHD, no sugar needed," Harry shrugs. 

"Explains a ton," Gemma raises an eyebrow. 

Lottie rolls her eyes when Louis does a backflip, "Annoying at times." 

"Hey, he can't help being loud and stuff," Harry frowns. 

"I know, I know," Lottie defends herself, "He's annoying ADHD or not, I'm his sister I can bully him." 

Harry knows she can, siblings can say mean shit 'cause they have to put up with each other's bullshit for way too many years but he can't help defending Louis. 

Okay, Louis is loud and stuff but it's not that annoying. He's just happy. 

He hasn't seen Louis this active in years, to be honest. Well he hasn't seen Louis a lot last few years but even at school he seemed more timid than usual. 

Only when it came to football, he saw the enthusiastic Louis. He was fast, loud and determined to win. Harry saw a few matches when he went to cheer on Niall. 

Those times he missed meeting Louis on the football field to help him train. 

It was his passion and he shared it with Harry whenever he could. He didn't mind though, he admired how smooth Louis would play the ball and how precisely his technique was. 


Harry hums, looking up at a soaking wet Louis. 

"Quit daydreaming and come play in the sea, will ya?" 

Harry chuckles and lets him be pulled off his chair. 

"What do you think will happen?" Gemma asks Lottie. 

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