Vol 1 Chap 4 : The meet and Greet

Start from the beginning

" You are truly a menace "

" Fufu~ "

While the girls were quarreling, I glanced towards the Class's front door where I only saw the front rows through the windows. I instantly connected the dots and glanced at Honami

" Honami where are our Classmates ? " She immediately stopped arguing and looked towards me with a curious glint. However, as her eyes met mine they immediately shot up in realization.

" Oh~ I forgot to tell you~ " Honami expressed with a small surprise. Before moving close and starting to drag my arm " We have relocated somewhere else to execute our plan~ "

" Plan ? " Honami nodded as she kept dragging me through the hallway. Amasawa curiously followed us around which Honami didn't seem to really mind, probably since she is my partner.

Moments later, we arrived in front of the Gymnasium's doorway where Honami excitedly slid the door open, revealing a few dozen of students I recognized as my classmates who were all doing what it seems to be prep work.

" Right~ since you were away when I performed the explanation, I'm gonna start explaining again~ " Honami stepped inside of doorway and turned around, with a confident smile she said- " This is what I call... The meet and greet....

The bustling atmosphere of the gymnasium kept getting more active as the students of both the first and the second years were immersed in their chatters, in this gymnasium no'1 of the advanced nurturing high school.

Much like the other students, I too was immersed in my own chatter, trying to improve my communication skills while making acquaintances in the process. In this certain occasion known as the meet and greet

The meet and greet is an event orchestrated by Honami in order to create bonds between our class and the first-years and bridge our year gap level, it's basically a place where you get to make friends while actively searching for a partner for the upcoming special exam

After getting the consent of the School to use the gymnasium, we have finished the initial steps 2 hours ago and posted a public invitation. Since then, the room has been slowly but surely flooding with students, from both year levels

Honami has created this event specifically for our class. However, she didn't seem to really mind the presence of other classes. There is no real way to kick them out even when they are clearly working as spies, so it's better to roll with it in any case.

Speaking of spies, Honami used the students who aren't as adept as the others in communication skills to spy on the other classes's movements, students like Himeno are relaying information directly to her. They didn't have to worry on securing partners, since we are working to cover all 42 students of our Class

This was some great usage of human resources by Honami, she completely understood that her plan isn't perfect and worked to fill in the gaps using the inept students. I have done something similar too, by sending Kouenji on a little scouting mission.

" Ummm~ Ayanokouji-senpai... " The girl in front of me coyly started rubbing her fingers together while hanging her head low, seemingly embarrassed about something. She has a waist length brown hair one was covering one of her eyes. " W-Would you please.... be my partner on this exam ? "

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 2 )Where stories live. Discover now