"I'm only here to see my daughter. Can't I do that?"

"Don't say that like you only left to the grocery store and are back." I said glaring at him. Was he really going to pretend like he hadn't abandoned us?

"You're scaring me with the tone of your voice." He chuckled. I examined his frame he looked haggard.
His hair was all over the place and his clothes looked worn out, he smelled faintly of alcohol.

"I need a favor from you."


"I heard from around that you were working for the wealthiest businessman. You've grown up so well, you're having a good office job at just 19. I'm proud of you." He said causing me to tick. I was getting angrier with time passing.

"You're in no position to be proud of me, neither are you in a position to ask me for a favor. Goodbye." I turned away holding the handle of the door to close it when he suddenly held my hand, stopping me from walking away.

"Louise. Come on. I'm your father. You can't do this to me." He held my right wrist with both his hands and I turned to look back at you.

"Are you joking? What is wrong with you? How could you be so bold as to come here and spew your nonsense after disappearing for 5 years?"

"I can explain everything that happened. But first, borrow me some money."


"I have run out of money and I urgently need some. Don't worry about it, I'll pay you back in full when I win the game." The way he talked freaked me out and I felt my skin crawl.

"Don't tell me...Are you gambling? Is that the reason you disappeared? So you will spend your time gambling and squandering money?!" I was shaking with anger, my blood felt hot and my head ached.

"No. No! That's not what happened at all. Let me explain." I took deep breaths to calm myself. I decided to listen to the grand reason he decided to leave us and never come back and so help me it's not a sensible reason..!

"You know that oil company I worked for? We were having some problems in the company. Apparently, the CEO had signed some incredulous deal in a partnership agreement and had all his money taken from him. We were going bankrupt. My friend and I tried looking for solutions to save the company but all the employees were getting frantic and storming his office for their payment.

My friend suddenly drove home saying he had an idea, sort of like a eureka. He was very confident, that this would solve the problem we were facing. He was on his way back to the company with some files and was on the phone with me when suddenly I heard a crash. He was...he was gone.

He died on impact and when I heard the news I could barely believe it. He, the CEO, and I were close friends and so it was devastating news for the two of us. We gave up on saving the company and it came crashing downhill.

I was unemployed and grieving. I couldn't tell you and your mother because you were having some important exams and your mom kept smiling brightly, encouraging me without knowing what was going on. Thanking me randomly and said she was very happy with the way our lives were and couldn't ask for anything more.

I couldn't be the bearer of bad news. As time passed, I became broke from not working. I was too ashamed to tell you guys so I decided to run away. But that's all in the past. I'm very confident I can win a big one for the three of us. I'll buy a big house and..and I'll buy your mother a car and we can live happily like we used to!" He cried out grinning, eyes wide.

I pried his hand off my wrist and looked at him coldly. "You decided to run away from your problems instead of talking with your wife and child and finding a way out of the problem. You could've gotten a job, mom could've gotten one too! There were way too many ways to fix your problem but you decided to run away from it all. You abandoned us. I'm embarrassed to have you as my father. But the nerve you have coming back to me, acting like you coming back will automatically transport us back to how we used to live is truly ridiculous. I never want to see you near myself and my mum. If you ever come near us I'll make you regret it." I turned away from him and he held my hand once more.

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