Crown Prince's Ball

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Zuzotl boredly stared at his sharp nails, which could easily be mistaken for claws, "Stop watching so much Cinlotl, you may start getting jealous...The saintess should honestly come here and see our beautiful garden if she is amazed by such lowly artistic skills like that.." Zuzotl grumbled out, how could his darling saintess, be amazed by such low craft?

As Zuzotl laid his eyes on the crystal, a sinister smile stretched onto his face, seeing that the saint was wearing the dress he had made. "But I do suppose she has some idea of an artist's skills..." He hummed out, feeling his jealousy die down a bit, as he was no longer emanating a terrifying Aura.

  "Her soul is radiant..." Ulios muttered enjoying the light coming from the body they had sent her to. "I would shower her in treasures...." Cikdar bluntly spoke, most of the god's eyes trained on the crystal ball, their eyes prying onto Y/n's form, taking in every single detail, like hawks staking their pray.


Once Y/n made it into the primary ball area, eyes were trained and focused on her, their eyes roaming around her dress.

Y/n took this opportunity to observe her surroundings, she spotted a dress which was, very tame and plain, commoners dress. And no commoner was allowed in the ball---of course, unless it was the heroine....Bingo.

Honestly, Y/n just wanted to avoid the heroine, because well---she didn't want to die!---Well she was already going to die if she was being truthful...She should have run away when she had the chance!

The heroine's violet eyes suddenly landed on her. Y/n let out a calm breath, letting her golden eyes wander until she spotted the food, well more like a glimpse of the food since the Heroine---and the Crown prince was in the way of it.

'Ok...ok...I just need to slip past them--gods they are both looking at me!---no--ok...I'll head over and just, not look into their eyes---I'll ignore them...' Y/n was panicking internally, what was she supposed to do, stand in the middle of the ballroom, awkwardly and letting eyes roam her dress while standing stiff as a board?

Y/n didn't let her inside emotions affect her facial features or anything for that matter, heading over, directly towards the crown prince and heroine...Y/n was about to pass them, but the crown prince gripped onto her arm and gave a ferocious glare.

"Don't get too cocky Elvira, I will never want you, no need for you to keep glaring at Lady Yuna..." The crown prince just had to open his cocky mouth, for some odd reason, Y/n swiftly turned around, she wasn't going to take any disrespect.

"First of all, my darling crown prince, if I was glaring at Yuna, it would be because she is dogging and latching herself onto MY fiancee, if that doesn't give me a reason for being angry, I don't know what is. Second off, for your correction, I wasn't glaring not even a single bit, I was trying to look over her shoulder to see the wonderful food...Third of all, It's not Lady Yuna as she is a commoner and that title isn't reserved for her until she does get a title either by the prime minister, or the king." Y/n cold and a loud voice rang out, letting everyone hear.

Yuna's eyes filled with tears as they were full to the brim and about to start crying, Yuna let out a whimper, causing the Crown prince...Ayato, which was indeed a basic name, pulled Yuna close hugging her waist.

"How can I ever call a cruel woman such as yourself my fiancee, you are not fit for being a queen, or being my partner. This is why I have decided to denounce your claim as my fiancee, and your title of being a noble." Ayato raised up, tugging Yuna along with him to the stairs, so he could declare this to everyone.

"Elvira Melinoe Tsukimi," Another voice rang up, here we go, the second male lead, he was the brains of the bunch, and was Count Keisuke known for being cold and ruthless, until he met the Heroine who eased his cold heart.

"I have a list of all your legal wrong-doings, so if you want to fight, please, be my guest." He gave Evlira a cold smirk, his eyes showing possessiveness while looking at Yuna, his eyes filled with utter hatred while staring at Y/n.

Count Keisuke then began to read off of the long list, eyes from all corners staring at Y/n, and her dumbfounded form. Y/n suddenly felt something hard and pokey wrap around her form, as the thorns from the strange tree roots poked at her skin and dress, the dress beginning to form holes and rip.

This was the third male leads to magic, it was something like, 'Grand nature,' it was the evolution of earth magic and was hard to come by as it was in its last stage, and most powerful stage. Y/n mind was occupied, what was the third male lead's name again?? Oh--- Y/n stared at the third male lead's face, as it suddenly came to her--Inei! That was his name...Inei!

Once Keisuke stopped he finished the list off, with an untrue crime of Elvira's, "Traitor..." Everyone gasped at this, as their whisper halted slightly before picking up, this time louder. Keisuke then began to show the 'evidence' which was fabricated.

Suddenly, the legendary magic, 'Rose thorns' began to cover and try to wrap around Yuna. The male leads glared, at Y/n thinking she was the one to do this because Elvira was known for this magic.

"HOW DARE YOU-!" The crown prince screamed his hands shimmering a blue color while ripping the thorns off of Yuna. Y/n looked around confused...she wasn't doing anything---Y/n's eyes landed on Yuna, who flashed her a quick little smirk before, crying into her hands, whining about her bleeding because of the thrones from the roses.

"What the fuck..." Y/n muttered...

The Gods Are Obsessed With The Otherworldly Villainess!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora