I love you

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On our way to the opera room we meet Minhyeok. "Salute" Minhyeok said walking towards us.

"I got discharged today, I ran over as soon as I arrived "ah Minhyeok" I hugged him.

"We missed you" I said "who is we?" Junghwan asked. I looked at him like he was crazy. "I'm just joking we did miss you bro" my brother said giving him a hug now.

"Oh yeah I got you a gift" Minhyeok said j thought he was going to give it to me but he gave it to junghwan "thank you for looking after her and making sure he's alright" he said handling him a bag.

Then someone comes in yelling Minhyeok. We look at the door and see his mother. "My son is that really you?" She said hugging him.

"Why are you here so late?" Minhyeok said forming tears in his eyes.

It started to get awkward so we walked away and went to find out seats.

Soon Seok-hoon and Rona came on stage together.

"There is someone who supported me both financially and emotionally which is the reason I'm here today, this recital was only possible because of him. Let me introduce you to the director of Simoon art center Mr Logan Lee"

We turned and clapped for him. "Thank you there was someone very precious to me her name was Min Seol A, she was very talented I want to make her dreams come true thus Simoon art center will continue to produce more and more great musicians and support then fully" then everyone clapped again.

Rona gave a speech about her mother and how she made it on here. Then she started to sing.

When she finished everyone stood up and clapped for her.


Me and Junghwan packed our bags and went to the airport.

We sold our apartment. We didn't really say our goodbyes.

We went through a security check, everything was good and we went to wait to board the plane.

Our boarding had been called and we walked over to our terminal, it was a private one so new reports and paparazzi could get up us, just when I was about to walk in someone grabbed onto my hand.

I look back and see Seok-hoon he has tears in his eyes. "Junghwa don't leave" he begged.


"Please just don't leave me, I decided that I wanted you not Rona" he admitted. "After all those years I thought you were happy with Minhyeok so I decided I forget you and choose Rona but something in me didn't want that till now I have decided."

He pulled out the same box and got down on one knee "will you marry me Ha Junghwa I promise to be the best husband" he asked.

I was shocked, memories since day 1 of us started to flow a bunch of memories I though I forget about us flowed back in, is this the feeling when you meet your soulmate? "Yes!" I said.

He put the ring on my ring finger and hugged me, a lot of people started to clap and cheer I looked up and saw all of my friends.

"Did you plan this?" I asked Junghwan "yes all of these people did"

"Congratulations!" Ms Kang said walking up to us with Jenny. "Look at the both of you, you guys grown up" she said getting teary eyes.

"I knew you guys would be together sooner or later" Seok-kyung said. "Seok-kyung!" I said and he gave me a hug.

I look at everyone and they all had their bags "why does everyone have a suit case?" I asked. "I'm sorry I didn't ask but we all were thinking of having the wedding there since you guys already got your tickets" Seok-hoon showed me his ticket to Italy.

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