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surprise 🎧

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surprise 🎧

surprise 🎧

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"are you excited to meet everyone? i've kinda been bragging about you all week."

liyah laughed as we started to walk inside the restaurant.

"i guess.. you know i'm awkward."

"don't worry love, everyone is gonna love you!"
me and liyah walked further into the restaurant hearing shouting.

a boy yelled calling us over to their table.

we started to walk closer to the table as my eyes widened seeing a familiar figure. the hair, that bass, even when i got closer i could smell the same cologne.

"everyone i'd like to introduce my friend and roommate, y/n yashiro!"

liyah stood in front of the table introducing me while holding onto me.

i pulled a chair from another table and sat at the end. i didn't want to sit by ole dude or liyah.

"well i'll start with introductions since nobody else will!"
the girl with a tie spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"i'm nakai, i'm the leader singer for our band."

"choso, i'm the bass player"

hm, choso? don't know why he's trynna act all
cool like we didn't just hang out ALL last night.. but whatever.

"i'm jas and that's sha'mya. we're the music coaches. we're actually looking for a drum player before we can even continue with the band for further practice and bookings."

jas pointed at sha'mya while talking as sha'mya was all in her phone.

"so y/n can we see some of your work?"

choso deep voice spoke out of nowhere. gave me slight chills.

"uh yeah.."
i started to pull out my phone and go to my 'designs' album in my photos.

the band started swiping through the photos with the most shocked faces.

nakai spoke in excitement.

"well yeah. 2-3 days max if i'm focus."

"girl stop lying it take you a good 4 hours"
liyah joined in the conversation.

"you're gone all day, how would you know?!"

"so y/n, do you know anyone who plays drums?"
sha'mya asked.

"uh not really.. my boyfriend might though.."

choso definitely has a girlfriend. it was best to make it known beforehand in case he wanted to know or anything. by the looks of it, he doesn't really much care.


i stood at the side of the building scrolling through my feed waiting on liyah to finish up her conversations.

"so,  boyfriend huh?"

i jumped at the sound of choso's voice. i looked up to see him slightly hovering over me.

"oh.. hello sir. don't think we've met but you do look very familiar."

"ehh, the girl i know doesn't have a boyfriend. never seen you around."

choso joined in the joke. glad his energy matches with mine.

"that sucks! well im apart of the team now so what's your name?"

"well im actually half american. it's james."

"oh really? fun fact im also half american. my name is destiny."

i held my hand out with a slight smirk. choso took my hand and shook it back with a bigger smirk on his face. it was more cocky than anything. god, niggas are so full of themselves.

"well destiny, since you're pretty and apart of the band in a way.. can i get your number?"

my face started to get a little hot. honestly it was just the way he asked which made me flattered.

"well of course james."
i took his phone putting in my phone number.

"come on y/n! i need to pick up my guitar from the store!"

"well james, it was nice talking but i gotta dip."

"hope to see you soon, y/n."
choso leaned near my face kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

xxx xxx xxxx
5:57 pm

call me when you get home

call me when you get home-🎸

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👘  FAME  🎸

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👘  FAME  🎸


choso x blk reader <3

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