golden words and wolfs

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"Uuuugh-" Sapnap said opening his eyes, he the first thing he saw was a leaf moving softly with the wind, he picked at it to get it out of his hair. He stood up jumping up and down and shaking his arms to get as much of the leaves off. He looked at Despoina that saw this all go down. Sapnap wasn't the best at body language but he could sense that they were amused by Sapnap's obnoxious movements.

And then it came to him, the poking with the twig, the oh-so-easy solution to his communication problem. "WAIT! I have an idea!" He said, breaking the news to his friend. They just turned to him, confused but still... very amused. Sapnap spread his arms, quickly catching his spellbook as it headed to the floor. He reached for his quill and licked the tip, the ink stinging on his tongue.

He wrote down the alphabet in quick but readable scribbles, making an ouija board of sorts. "I hope you're able to read-" Sapnap said laying the book in front of them. They took the hint and grabbed a small branch off the floor. "To start... uh- What's your name?" He stated looking at them, they grabbed the stick in their hand and went over the letters.

"K-A-R-L" Sapnap read and Karl nodded his head, "Alright... man, woman... unspecified human being?" Just as before, they grabbed the stick, and just pointed at the letter M hoping it was clear enough for Sapnap to understand.

"Alright! See we're bonding here!" He said laughing grabbing the book, he knew that this is where the conversation could only continue in the 'yes-no narrative'. Sapnap stored his spellbook away once more and looked through the thick foliage. If they were wanting to get through this by the end of the day... they'd need gear.

"Okay... before I want to continue. I want to try making a staff". Sapnap said to Karl and they nodded standing up "your helping?" He asked and he received an eager nod as an answer. So they spend the full ten minutes finding the perfect stick for such an important magical item.

You see, a staff or scepter is for life, if it breaks... your fucked, you can't go out and make another. So stick hunting it is, after a couple of minutes Sapnap spotted the perfect piece of hardwood, it was the same height as him and had this beautiful curve at the top. Karl nodded in agreement that yeah... that's a damn fine stick he got there.

He grabbed the piece of hardwood and made a small orange flame ignite in his hand. He slowly burned away at the bark, molding it into the perfect shape. And from there it was trial and error. He spread his arms, the stick levitating off the floor, orange threads of magic etching itself into the wood, slowly decreasing in power as it reached the curve, ones it got there the power spilled out slowly forming into an orange crystal, it hung there floating in the curve of the staff.

Sapnap laughed looking it up and down... Karl was right this was a mighty fine stick, for now, its only use would be to get through the inches of leaf litter faster. But Sapnap hoped that he will come to the point of actually using the staff to cast spells. They started trekking through the forest, ducking beneath the low-hanging branches and stumbling over the uncovered roots.

Sapnap kept his eyes peeled if 'Quackity' wasn't just a spawn of his imagination... he should be close. He wondered how he did it, he had never heard of a spell to enter a person's dreams. While he was walking he grabbed Dream's book, he could see an answer to his note 'I'm not worried about my exam. Have you found anything yet? -:)' Sapnap grabbed his quill and quickly scribbled down an answer and a question.

'I have. Is it possible to enter someone's dreams?' He wrote down before he put his quill and book back into the messenger bag he was carrying around. He looked at Karl, that had been looking over his shoulder at what he wrote. "You know the answer?" Sapnap asked and he nodded an answer.

"Is it possible?" Sapnap asked again, Karl swayed his head side to side as an answer "does that mean maybe?" Sapnap questioned and Karl made the same move again, and Sapnap seemed to take the hint... "SOMETIMES!... it's a difficult spell then?" And Karl nodded as a response, ducking under a branch. Then suddenly he felt Karl touch his shoulder and point at something between the trees, first Sapnap didn't see it, but then he spotted it, a beautiful white wolf between the trees, it stepped out, growling showing its sharp teeth.

So they weren't kidding, the animals in this forest had touched the wrong mushrooms. Sapnap grabbed his staff close and went to stand in front of Karl. The wolf growled and charged at them "RUN!" Sapnap said grabbing Karl's arm and making way through the forest, through thorns and nettles they ran.

Then he spotted it, the rock formation "there! Climb on top Karl, I'll deal with this". Karl ran in front of him, skillfully swinging under the trees and climbing atop the rock formation. Sapnap stopped running sliding over the forest floor, in front of the entrance of a descent human-sized hole in between the rocks.

The wolf growled and Sapnap grabbed his staff by both ends, putting it in the wolf's mouth as it pounced on him, biting in the wood. Sapnap threw the beast to the side, making it lose its balance and fall to the floor. But it stood back up, only limping a bit, Sapnap sighed "Άρτεμις, συγχώρεσέ με." He said under his breath raising his hand, as a flame charged for the wolf, hitting it in the side. Making it limp away.

And now Sapnap felt sorry, but not as sorry as he should feel. Karl came down from the rock formation, and Sapnap started looking around the rock formation, keeping the opening for last because... crazy bees, if there was a beehive in there he was F to the ucked.

Alas, there were no crazy bees, all he found inside the crack was a battered and beaten goldie "Son of a bitch" Sapnap said under his breath, recognizing him as Quackity he saw in his dreams.

{Hey, besties... so you like it? I surely do! Idk it seems like a funky plot YK. Also, I have been listening to the argonauts, and... Theseus is a MASSIVE dick, because well he tore a robber in half and then rped his daughter impregnating her. Also, he left his girlfriend/ wife alone on an island #justiceforAriadne}

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