Boarding school

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Sapnap wasn't a nobody... but he wasn't somebody just yet. As the adopted son of two powerful religious leaders, he had access to the best food, the best healthcare, and the best school. He was rich, he knew, he goes to the best magic school in the country... he also knows.

"Now it's important to not lose focus Sapnap... otherwise we have to do this all over" the voice came from his mentor, brother from another mother, and best friend: Dream. He could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he was a smart pain in the ass so he stuck around. Sapnap had his hand stretched out as he looked upon a big orange flame that was battling against a green one.

Sapnap was set up to fail, he was having a battle against Dream for Jesus' sake, that man didn't skip 2 years at the most elite magic school for nothing. Sapnap dropped his arm, the fire dropping with it "Hey! You were doing great?!" Dream exclaimed snapping his fingers so the green flame he conjured didn't burn down the school.

"Why did you give up?" Dream asked turning to stand in front of Sapnap "Look- I just can't do it alright?" But the blonde in front of him just looked at him "I call bullshit". Sapnap scoffed and said to Dream: "Look, you're an atheist, you don't have a God that can be mad at you and fuck up your spells... I do, can we please leave it at that?" But the blonde crossed his arms "Don't get Hellenistic with me Sapnap. I don't think your celestial friend is the reason for why you stopped trying".

"Dream... I can't win- I never do" Sapnap said, getting mad at the blindly optimistic blonde "Sapnap- you will get there..." But the Raveonette just shut him up "No- everything has worked out for you, you skipped two years for god's sake!" Dream sighed, combing the three small braids he had behind his ear. "You're in the last grade, then you'll be gone, and then I'm screwed- I'll have to drop out and go study at Elk Greek or something". Dream laughed loudly "Please- you'll need to fail hard to end up at Elk Greek, Sapnap there is a reason why you're here at the royal academy".

Sapnap nodded "Yeah- my dads are loaded... they won't admit it but they bought my way in". The blonde in front of him rolled his eyes "No- Sapnap... look at me. You won't end up at Elk Greek, and you will graduate here just like any other student". Sapnap sighed and looked at Dream and rolled his eyes "Can we just- can we just go eat? I'm really hungry and not in the mood for this conversation".

His best friend, mentor, and brother from another mother sighed and nodded "Yeah... Who's turn is it to cook?" He asked looking at Sapnap "It's Friday... so yours". He answered "Fuck! Man... can't we just go eat out? I ha-ha-HATE cooking!" He exclaimed leaning back " Well that's to Ba-ha-ha-had. I thought you liked cooking?" Sapnap said confused but Dream stopped him "I like baking... there's a big difference there". Sapnap looked him up and down "Of course there is". He said laughing.

They walked across the gravel-covered courtyard and to one of the many wooden doors, Sapnap grabbed his skeleton key and unlocked it, revealing a cramped space with 2 bunk beds and 4 chests cramped in the small space. Dream took off his leather gloves and with a well-aimed throw he threw directly next to the chest he was aiming for "Shit-" he sighed picking up the gloves and opening the chest to put them in, he also grabbed a small drawstring pouch "We're going to the L'Manburg inn right?" Sapnap asked flopping his bed "Of course- it's the only place that doesn't suck in this ass-crack part of town". The blonde said as he pocketed the leather pouch.

"Now get your panda ass up and going, we don't have all day". Sapnap looked at him "THAT WAS ONE TIME! WHY?!" Dream laughed "Not my fault that you fucked with Schlatt and his shapeshifting magic, and also, with how slow you are... it fits".

Sapnap looked at Dream and pushed him playfully "Well you're a fucking goldfish, can't remember shit". Dream looked at him shocked "HEY! Says the one who called me smart seconds ago." He said crossing his arms "Fine! When's my birthday? No! When is your birthday?" Dream stopped "Uh-... In Summer?" Sapnap face palmed "Unbelievable..." He said laughing.

"I can't know everything". Dream said shrugging "Now- I'm hungry too- and I have an exam tomorrow so... get up". Dream said grabbing Sapnap's arms and pulling him out the door onto the courtyard and into town. "DREAM! LET ME GOOO," He said as he was pulled around "Oh shut up Shmapnap".

The raveonette rolled his eyes "Let me goOoOoOoO DREAM! You goldfish fuck let me go!" And then Dream stopped looking at Sapnap and swiped his hand, a green crystal dagger appearing in his hand "You're eyes look very pokeable right now...". Sapnap pushed the dagger from his face and then aimed a hard kick towards Dream's ankle "HEY! Don't go for the eyes you sociopath... have some class, go for the tongue".

Dream looked at Sapnap and nodded in agreement "True" he let go of Sapnap's sleeve and made the blade disappear, they stood just outside of the school's gate. The stone arch had the royal crest, showing that the school was for nobles only.

Both Sapnap and Dream were nobles in a way. Dream was the easiest to recognize he had a last name, something only someone of royal descent has. But when it comes to Sapnap, it's a bit more of a long shot, when he was a mere child his parents surrendered him to the Hepheastus' temple. A place only noble Hellenistic have reach too. Also, his adoptive parent's religious status isn't easy to ignore.

"Sapnaaaaap- hey! I'm supposed to be the one that zones out! Look I don't mind you copying my skills... but my flaws? Come on Sapnap-". Sapnap looked at the blonde who was right in front of his face "Oh fuck you". He said planting a hand in Dream's face and pushing it down.

"Hey! I'll lick your fucking hand! Don't test me" Dream threatened, they were right outside the inn, and now, Sapnap had to choose between going inside or staying right outside the door and arguing back to Dream.

Since Sapnap was starving at this point... he prioritized going inside. "Wait for me please". Dream said following Sapnap inside "pffft- the great Dream scared that I'll leave him alone". The blonde looked at him, smiled evilly, and whispered "I'll stab ya... and no one will find the body".

{So whatya think? It's a kind of mage au or medieval au. But, Idk I think the story line I have planed is quite neat.}

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