final quest

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"Actually Dream. What do you have planned for my final quest?" Sapnap asked, staying on the subject of exams and quests.

"I- don't know yet". Dream said sunken in deep thought. But Sapnap didn't believe it "Oh come on! You must have an idea! You always do". But Dream shrugged "I don't!" Dream said looking away from Sapnap.

"What's going on there?" Dream said pointing at an ant nest worth of people. "I have no clue-". Sapnap said fastening his pase. They arrived at the group of people, "shit! I can't see anything!" Sapnap said, and Dream looked at him, as he stood on his tip toes to try and see over the group of people.

"Hey, can you maybe move?" Dream asked, but was completely ignored "okay then-" he said opening his hands, a green thread of magic in between them, he then made a move to the side summoning his staff, "Sapnap, come- stay close to me". The raveonette smiled "mage's privilege" he said with a smile on his face "Yessirrrrr" Dream said laughing softly he stumped his staff on the ground, and from it ran green threads over the ground.

"Make way please!" Dream said pushing through the people "What is going on anyway?" Sapnap asked Dream, he shrugged "I have no clue". Finally, they managed to squeeze through the mass, there they saw what looked like one of those inflatable men you see in front of the car dealer.

But those didn't exist yet, but Sapnap didn't care, and neither did Dream, the sight in front of them was... worrying. What bothered both Sapnap and Dream most was, that they seemed sentient, it was bucked into each other, seemingly protecting themselves from the rather wild opinions of the mass. Dream bend down and looked at the mess of a thing that was.

"Wow- I've never seen such a curse!" Dream said smiling, "Dream? The fuck is that?" Sapnap asked "Hey! Be nice, that is a cursed human being" Sapnap looked at him surprised "What?! That... okay-" Sapnap said nodding, nothing could surprise him anymore.

"Maledictum exilitas... or the spaghetti curse, you're unable to break a curse like this" Sapnap looked at the person in front of them "Why? Why would a person curse someone with a curse like this?" Sapnap asked keeping his eyes on the poor creature of a human being in front of him.

"Many reasons, most the time it's a form of punishment... execution even". Sapnap shrugged his demeanor changing to cold "So... a criminal?" He asked looking at the thing in front of him "Not necessarily, most of the time if you get cursed as a punishment, they can't stick the crime to anyone so they just pick the subject that is most likely to have done it".

Sapnap looked at Dream "That's horrible!" Dream shrugged "We can't do anything about it. Prince Eret tried overthrowing the government ones, and they almost UNabandoned the gallows for her". Sapnap nodded, remembering going to the trial of the royal, he was kept alive just because the elite liked him, amongst them were Sapnap's parents and their religious group.

Dream looked at the person in front of them, "Sapnap, as your mentor I have decided on your final quest for this year". The raveonette looked at Dream pitifully. But he knew what was coming "To make it easier, here's how you break a curse this powerful: a tear of a loved one, dragon's breath, and the feather of a goldy".

Sapnap looked at Dream "What?! How am I going to find a dragon?! How am I going to find a goldie for fuck sake? Those things are extinct!" Dream shrugged and smiled "What if they aren't? Come on Sapnap! Think on the bright side! I had to catch a mermaid. So we all get near impossible tasks".

Sapnap rolled his eyes "Alright then... a goldie and a dragon it is-" as Sapnap walked over to the being laying on the floor, Dream turned to the mass.

"We are students of the royal academy of magic, and we will take care of the matter. Now please continue with your day, and leave us to take care of it". Some of the mass protested some of the mass left immediately but, soon enough, everyone was gone.

Sapnap sat by the being and helped them up. "Okay- so you cursed mystery person will be my only companion for... a good six months?" Sapnap asked looking at Dream who nodded confirming his statement.

"Yup, the first grade is eight months, so by the time you come back, I'll probably be getting ready for my final exam". He said with a sarcastic smile on his face "Yeeey! Studying...." Dream said finishing his sentence with a dramatic sob "Oh please Dream... you ase every exam you take. Don't make a big deal about it". But he kept on dramatically crying "It's hard you know! Being the smartest fucker out there".

Sapnap had the arm of the cursed person around his shoulder as he helped them up, he rolled his eyes "Look it'll be fine! You'll manage a way to not study and still get a score of 96". Dream nodded "Yeah... hehe- that first-year exam should not have been THAT easy" Sapnap nodded "No I can confirm that exam is WAY too easy for the royal academy".

They chatted as they took the being back to their dorm. As Dream looked over the information he needed to know for the exam he had tomorrow, Sapnap began packing "But Dream- I only know like... one spell. How the FUCK am I going to do this!"

Dream closed the book he had just opened "Sapnap, most students grow so much during these quests. It won't be much different in your case." But Sapnap didn't take it, Dream had a habit of rationalizing things. "But- I'll have no one to turn to! No teachers, no genius best friend who seems to know everything and nothing!"

Dream scoffed and stood up, he raised his hands, summoning a small leather book with some form of pearl or eye on the front "Here- whatever you write in this book, I'll be able to see, if you ever need help. I'll see it". Sapnap took the book and looked at the blonde "Thanks- but I won't need your help that was just... a rhetorical statement". Dream nodded and smiled "Of course- now, Sapnap... I have a fucking exam tomorrow, I haven't even touched these books yet, so if you'd please let me study now... I'd greatly appreciate that".

Sapnap rolled his eyes, and looked at the 7'2 cursed person "Okay come on Despoina! We don't have all day". Sapnap was not going to keep calling this person 'mystery being' anymore. "Despoina? Who the fuck is Despoina?!" Dream asked turning around to Sapnap who was fastening his bow to his carrying his belt.

"The goddess of the mysteries of the Arcadian cults... now focus on your goddamn exams Dream". He made a face of agreement and turned back around. The person in front of him had no means of communication, or at least Sapnap thought so.

So the raveonette made a motion to follow him "We'll hitch a ride to the outskirts of town, I hope we can get past the plains but I'm not sure, I think we will reach the forest by tomorrow morning". He said pointing up the road.

"Sapnap! Don't die alright?" Dream joked and Sapnap frowned "Yeah yeah- very funny Dream!"

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