Chapter One

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Hemlock House sat on the outskirts of town behind a wrought iron fence and poison ivy infested stone walls. Esperanza watched it grow bigger and bigger as the car rumbled up the drive until it towered over them like a sleeping giant. She could hardly call it a house; it was much more a sprawling Victorian-era mansion complete with multiple chimneys, bay windows and a steep, gabled roof.

Esperanza chuckled to herself. "Now, this is a house that makes a statement," she muttered under her breath. "And that statement is we're filthy, stinkin' rich." She shook her head at the sheer number of fountains. "How many does one house need?"

"Miss Marquez?"

Marquez. Her mother's maiden name. She couldn't be Esperanza Ortega here. The less ties to her father, the better. "Yes?"

"Shall I fetch your luggage?" the driver asked, twisting around in his seat.

"Yes. Thank you, Roger." Esperanza had no problem carrying her own luggage inside the house, but that's not how this level of rich rolled, and she needed to fit in, hold up the persona she'd been hiding behind to win Bridger Hemlock's heart. Speak of the devil, here he comes now.

Bridger opened the car door and extended a helping hand. Esperanza took it, the enormous 25-carat ruby on her ring finger sparkling in the afternoon sun. "My love. How was the drive?" he asked, tucking her arm into his elbow and leading her to the sleeping giant.

"Scenic," Esperanza mused. It had been very green.

"You look beautiful, as always."

Now, that had taken work and required the help of both her younger sister and aunt. Esperanza would have much preferred to wear her usual jean jacket and black skinny jeans—flowery dresses were more of Luz's thing—but despite her protests, her aunt had dressed her in a modest, white, and excruciatingly floral sundress, a light cardigan, and strappy sandals. She looked innocent and sweet as a mouse. Harmless. Clearly, the look Tía Marta was going for.

"Why, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself," she said, pinching his cheek. There was no doubt that Bridger Hemlock was good looking. He was tall with a slender build and fine features. He had wispy reddish-brown hair and pale blue eyes. Today, he was dressed for dinner in dress pants, a collared shirt, and a navy-blue sweater. He looked studious and sexy like he belonged in a library, draped over a velvet armchair while sipping an espresso.

It might have taken the bitter taste out of pretending to be his fiancé if he hadn't been so damn unstable. The crazy had revealed itself overtime. In the beginning, their relationship had been all romance and flowers, but by month three, temper tantrums and clinginess took center stage, and Esperanza suddenly realized why he'd remained single for so long.

Bridger smirked. He moved in for a kiss. Esperanza blushed, turning her head. "What if your parents are watching from the window?" she whispered as if she were scandalized. Her cover, the person she pretended to be, was scandalized by everything. Bridger, predictably, found it charming.

He gazed up at the towering bay window. "They might be. They're eager to meet you."

"Good. Because I'm nervous." A single truth. She was nervous.

"Don't be. You're amazing." Bridger squeezed her arm affectionately, and Esperanza smiled. "So, tell me. What's your first impression of Hemlock House?"

Esperanza shook her head incredulously. She let herself be amazed, eye lashes fluttering. "It is... breathtaking. Really."

"I'm relieved," Bridger admitted.

"Relieved," Esperanza echoed. "But why? Did you think I wouldn't like it?"

"I think..." Bridger sighed heavily, "it's an acquired taste. It's not for everyone, and it's clear you haven't heard any of the local horror stories from town, or else you would have already run away."

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