"my parents gave it to me. but since i never had a good relationship with them i told my uncle a couple years ago to throw it away. i don't really want to talk about it", eddie said in the silence and steve nodded, respecting the other's boundaries.

"i am sorry i didn't mean to look through your uncle's stuff but i woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. i was actually looking for the bathroom"

"don't worry, stevie boy", eddie's grin reappeared on his face and steve internally heaved a sigh of relief "i am not mad at you, seriously. did you have a bad dream?"

"yeah, it was terrible", steve rubbed his face with the palms of his hands. he heard how eddie made his way to the table and squatted in front of him.

"what was it about, stevie. tell me it's okay", eddie tried to calm steve and put one of his hands on steve's knee while the other one grabbed his hand.

"it's just- dustin, one of my younger friends, has this internship in a repair shop and in this dream i went to this shop to check how he was doing. i mean- i haven't seen him in almost two weeks", steve started to explain and eddie nodded "but when i entered this shop he was just lying there- on the ground with a knife in his hand like he would have cut himself while working and the entire shop was empty besides him and the knife and i tried to help him and called out for him what happened but he didn't answer and then- then-"

"whoa stevie it's okay, it's okay", eddie pulled steve down into a tight hug while hot tears streamed down his face. "it's alright, everything's good. it was a dream. you and also dustin are safe i promise. i would never let anyone hurt you. but if you want we can go to this repair shop tomorrow and then you can see yourself that dustin is okay, alright? sounds good?", eddie held steve's face in his hands, holding eye contact while steve smiled carefully and nodded.

"thanks, ed", steve whispered and held eddie's hand a little tighter.

"it's alright. you want to skip school tomorrow- or well today?", eddie asked while checking the watch around his wrist.

"yeah, okay. but then we should use that time to work on that project and maybe i can also help you a bit more this time, hm?", steve suggested

"sounds promising. now, you want to watch a movie? i know it's like 5 in the morning but i won't be able to sleep now anyways", eddie shrugged his shoulders while looking at steve full of expectations.

"yeah, i don't mind. however, i can't promise that i will stay awake the entire movie. especially since you probably only have those horribly bad horror movies", steve chuckled while watching eddie's mouth fall open.

"excuse me! those movies are amazing! what are you talking about?", eddie laughed with a hint of indignation. "now we have to watch a horror movie, especially because you said that!"

"noo!", steve dramatically threw his head back.

"yes, pretty boy! now come", eddie pulled steve with their intertwined hands to the couch were both of of them just jumped on before eddie reached for the "on" button.

"alright let's see", steve said and crossed his arms.

"don't be so stiff, stevie boy! this is the new movie i lend from your shop so give it a chance", eddie laughed and pulled steve by his crossed arms closer to him.

"alright", steve sighed but couldn't hide his smile when he saw the excitement on eddie's face.

he leaned his head against eddie's shoulder pulled his knees to his chin, his arms around them.

"already scared hm?", eddie teased but only got a chuckle from steve as a response.

after only ten or fifteen minutes steve had already lost the overview of the movie's plot. partly because the movie made zero sense but also because steve felt how his fatigue took over which made it impossible to concentrate. firstly, he tried to fight against it but not long after and his eyes were shut, only his ears listening to the movie's sounds.

"night, stevie boy", steve heard eddie mumble before a slight kiss was placed in his hair. the last thing steve remembered was him blindly reaching for eddie's hand and intertwine them before he finally fell back in the world of dreams.

hey, i am back from vacation so here's a new update! i seriously don't know what to say- last time i updated i thanked you for 1k and now we're literally at 4.5k and this big difference within only 5 days!! it's so crazy and unbelievable seriously a big big thank you to YOU!! and also thousands of kisses in your hair just like eddie did <3 this chapter took me especially long to write so i would appreciate a vote :)

have a nice day/evening/night you beautiful people!!

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