[with her] - chapter 5

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They both went early in the morning, like a secret mission, right after Finn left the house, Adora pulled up in her car.

Adora had picked Catra up, and as they were driving to Adora's favourite ice cream place near the seaside, they were making jokes and laughing.

Catra really had nothing to worry about right now, it was quite peaceful. She could laugh with no worries, she could smile.

As they finally arrived, they got out and started to walk in. Adora ordered for Catra and Catra ordered for Adora, a little challenge to see if they both liked it.

They were sat at a small table, opposite each other and near the window that looked out onto the beach, the tide was in, it crashed against the sides.

Adora was digging into food as Catra kept getting distracted by her surroundings, her ears twitched, she ate her food slowly, as if she was nervous.

"What's wrong?"

Catra jumped, snapping out of her daze,
"What?- No.. it's nothing, I just feel like someone's watching me."

Adora stopped eating for a moment,
"Don't worry, you won't be able to get hurt, I'm here." Adora spoke to her in a gentle tone, a soothing tone that calmed Catra down, her tail dangled off the seat and her ears fixated on the sounds behind her.

After they had finished their ice cream, they drove to a park, staying there for a few hours, talking to each other and feeding the ducks, and as it became dark, the children had left, Adora sat on the swings in the hurry, pushing herself.

She was so immature, Catra rolled her eyes playfully, trying not to laugh as she almost fell off.

Adora got up and sat Catra on the swing, pushing her, as Catra got higher, she wanted to scare Adora, so she did.

She jumped off of the swings and landed on her feet, Adora shrieked, running up to her.

"Don't do that! You scared me!" She scolded her as Catra laughed, it was a sight to behold. But from a distance they quite looked like a couple or even as if they were married.

It was now 4pm, Finn was supposed to be coming home soon, so they drove back to Catra's house. As Catra went to get out of the car, she turned back to say

"Thanks.. for today." She smiled, Adora looked at her, she blushed slightly, and smiled awkwardly back, making Catra chuckle. Adora grabbed her arm gently

"I liked hanging out with you. Maybe we should do it again."

Catra couldn't stop grinning, as she got out and her back was towards Adora, she blushed, and smacked her face so she'd stop before entering the house.

Adora waited for Catra to go inside, and waited outside for some time.

Catra walked in, waving bye to Adora and then shut the door.

There was no one here, then she heard laughter from upstairs, she walked up the stairs slowly until she heard Finn scream

"Get off!"

She ran to their bedroom and barged in


She saw Violet and a man with brown hair, he was tall, and he looked like Violet, his clothes were all black, from his long sleeved black shirt that he folded up to his elbows. He had two belts that overlapped each other and seemed as a sort of a familiar style, he also stuck out with his black jeans that flared at the bottom, and had dirty sneakers on that left a footprint near the front door and on the carpet and mat. He looked at Catra,

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