[out] - chapter 3

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Catra hugged Finn,
"I'll be back soon, alright?" Finn nodded, holding Melog in their hands, cuddling them as they watched their mother leave.

Catra walked to the gym, she never really got any time for it as Violet wouldn't let her, but she goes when she's sleeping now. Catra took her phone out of her pocket, and called Adora, she picked up almost instantly.
"Hey, It's Catra. Do you think you could babysit Finn for me? I'm just going to the gym and my wife's asleep."

Adora agreed and walked to their house, knocking on the door, Finn was having a tea party with Melog, but was unsure whether they should open the door or not, until they heard

"Finn? It's Adora, Your mum called me!" Finn quickly rushed over to the door and hugged Adora tightly. Adora chortled at Finn, before walking in and locking the door behind her. Finn grabbed her hand and took her over to the tiny table with tiny seats,

"Yeah, I don't think I'm going to fit on those seats.." Finn looked at Adora and then looked at the seats,
"Well if you believe, maybe?" Adora shook her head slowly
"No.. no I can't" Finn dragged a seat from the kitchen and put it down, Adora sat down, thanking them. Melog just glared at Adora, before getting up, stretching and sitting on Adora's lap. Adora froze, she didn't know what to do, so just stayed absolutely still
"Melog likes you!!" Adora laughed slightly, petting Melog, this made them purr loudly, it made Adora calm, happy too. As they talked for an hour or more, they hear a loud scream,
"CATRAAA! I'M HUNGRY!" Violet yelled from the bedroom, Finn was startled by this, Adora pat their back
"It's alright, just ignore it."
A few minutes later, they hear Violet march down the stairs, exaggerating her every step before coming down and seeing Adora, Finn and Melog smiling and laughing.

Violet stared at them for a moment,
"Finn. Where's that mother of yours?" Finn tried not to look at Violet but stammered when they spoke
Violet was obviously angry about this, as she barged into the kitchen, calling Catra and screaming into the phone. Adora walked in, quietly, trying to put the dishes Finn used away, and wash them without disturbing Violet.
"I've never seen you go to the gym!" Adora washes the dishes, not trying to eavesdrop but it's clearly impossible.

Violet sighed angrily, before slamming her phone down. She looked at Adora
"So .. you're the babysitter? Adora, was it?"
Adora refused to look at her, or even treat her with respect,
Violet smiled nicely,
"You're very pretty, and I like your hair."

Violet tried to keep the conversation going,
"So what do you do for a living?" Adora tried to be polite and smiled slightly,
"I'm not comfortable answering that." She said as she put the dishes away and walked away.

A few hours later, Violet was in her room, as she heard the door open and walked down the stairs, grabbing Catra's arm and dragged her into the kitchen.
Violet was yelling at Catra and Catra was gently talking back, afraid to raise her voice.
Violet raised her hand above Catra, making her flinch, until Violet looked up to see Adora standing behind Catra, towering over her.

Violet was almost immediately intimidated by this, putting her hand back to her side, Catra turned to see Adora's hand on Catra's shoulder.

"Hey Catra.. so Finn and I were playing and we accidentally spilled some juice, I tried to get it out, but it might stain, so I'm very sorry about that." Adora looked down to see Catra's face glistening because of her sweat, Catra smiled and laughed a little
"It's fine, don't worry about it. Was Finn okay?" Adora took a deep breath of relief,
"Yeah, they were great as always." They continued to talk as Violet stood there, angrily waiting.

Melog strut in and climbed up Catra's pants to signal her that they wanted to be picked up. She picked them up, and gave them multiple kisses, and pets, they were purring extremely loud. Adora laughed
"I think I know who Melog's favourite is." Catra grinned largely, as Melog sat on her shoulders like a parrot.

My Kid's Babysitter. || Catradora. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant