[babysitter needed!] - chapter 1

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Catra groaned,
"You really want to go out? Why so suddenly?" Violet laughed as she straightened catra's tie, she looked straight at her as they were about the same height.
"We haven't been out in so long. Don't you want to go out with me?" Catra looked at her
"Of course, but it's 9pm, and we don't have a babysitter for Finn." Violet looked sad for a moment, before Catra held her hand to her cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll find one, just wait for a moment, alright?" Violet nodded slightly, touching Catra's hand and leaning into her touch.
"They are old enough to stay on their own, aren't they?"
Catra turned around, taking her hand away from Violet, to check herself out in the mirror
"Darling, they're 4." Violet looked at the back of her, putting her hands around Catra's waist, leaning her head on her shoulder.
"Yet you let them choose their own hairstyle? You know my mother doesn't like their hair." Catra kissed her head, and held her hand that was on her waist.
"Your mother's not coming to visit until next year, so it'll be fine, but they like that hairstyle, and I like it. So please be supportive."
Violet nodded into her shoulder,
"But they don't like me, they keep calling me Violet and I am your soon-to-be wife, aren't I? You need to talk to them, it's upsetting me." Catra stared at the mirror as Violet wasn't watching, her eyes saddened for a moment.
"I can't just make them love you, I don't want to push their boundaries with you. It's mean."

Catra tried to avoid this conversation, by walking off and saying
"I'll just call Glimmer, maybe she knows a good babysitter, or even she could?"
Violet just looked at her, smiling slightly. Catra walked into another room and began to ring Glimmer, after a few seconds she picked up.

"yESSS pUSssssssssssssay?"
Catra was stunned by what she said then soon realised what was going on
"You're drunk, aren't you?"
Glimmer nodded, thinking Catra could hear it. Catra was confused until she heard Bow and her fighting over the phone.
"Glimmer give me th- DON'T FLIP ME OFF. I AM YOUR HUSBAND." Catra heard Glimmer apologising sincerely, yet still refuse to give Bow the phone until he wrestled it off her.
"Yes Catra, what do you need?" He said as trying to hold back Glimmer from going crazy. Catra laughed,
"I was going to ask if you guys could babysit, but it seems I have my answer. Do you guys know any good babysitters. A babysitter that could come over right now?"
Catra tried to listen, as Glimmer shouted at Bow how sorry she was about drinking his drink.. until he began screaming.

Catra thanked Bow, then hung up, she walked to the living room, seeing Finn playing with their action figures. She went up to them, kissing their forehead and sitting next to them,
"Me and Violet are going out for just a few hours and we'll be back soon. You'll be getting a babysitter." Finn smiled gleefully, and leaned their head against Catra's
"You look pretty, mama." Catra chuckled, patting their head.

Just a few minutes later, there was a light knock, then a heavy knock, then another light knock, as if they were making a beat with the door. Catra stood there, contemplating whether she should open the door or not, until finally going for it and opening it.

As she spoke, she looked up at the tall blonde,
"You must be the baby....- Woah."
She wore a black t-shirt with a red jacket over it and black cargo pants, with some stylish boots and a black leather belt over the pants and her waist that tied it all together. Her hair was put up in a high ponytail, she had her hand on the back of her neck, with a stupidly cute face.

Catra quickly looked at her feet, as she felt embarrassed for staring at her for so long.
"I'm sorry if I took too long, I couldn't find your house. You must be Catra... right?" She went out to shake her hand, Catra hadn't realised until a few seconds later where she hurriedly shook her hand.
"I'm Adora, Bow let me know about your kid, and I love kids, so.. I don't care if I get paid, I don't mind and —" Catra stood there as she rambled, looking up at her
"This isn't an interview.. calm down." She smiled at her. Adora nodded, you could easily tell what she was thinking by her eyes.

Catra showed her in, and showed her around, told her the rules and then finally introduced her to Finn. Finn immediately took to her, and Adora immediately adored them, sitting down at eye-level to greet him.

Catra called Violet from the bedroom and she made her way down, noticing Adora, she was visibly upset. Catra held her hand as she walked past her
"Are you alright, darling?" She walked past Catra, ignoring her. Catra stared at her leave, following her out into the car. They sat in the car, with Catra in the driver's seat, and Violet in the passengers.

They sat silent for a moment, until Catra broke the silence
"Are you upset? Do you still want to go out?" Violet looked away from her as she spoke
"That babysitter? Do you just expect me to believe you chose her because she takes 'good care of Finn'" She muttered angrily with air quotes. Catra stares at her for a moment, confused.
"Bow chose her, I didn't know it was going to be her."
Violet scoffed
"I can tell by how your mouth gaped open when you first saw her."
"My mouth did not- You know what- ugh, I just wasn't expecting someone that tall."
Violet rolled her eyes.
"So do you still want to go out, or not?"
Catra had her hands on the steering wheel, ready to drive out of the garage.
Violet lashed out at her
"Why do you keep repeating that?! Do you even want to go out with me? You never go anywhere with me anymore! Didn't you propose to me?" Catra looked at her, shocked by her reaction, she backed away an unnoticeable bit.
"I'm sorry."
Violet turned her head, leaning her head on the window,
"You keep making me feel so horrible. Just say you love me, please?" As Catra put her hand on the stick shift right after turning the car on, Violet put her hand over hers,
"Tell me you love me, Catra."
Catra looked down, mumbling under her breath.
"I love you.." Violet squeezed her hand, beginning to dig her nails into Catra's hand. She winced in pain, as Violet looked at her,
Catra repeated louder
"I love you!" Violet loosened her grip on Catra's hand, smiling at her, as Catra looked away from her.

Adora stood in the garage, she stood there, speechless. She was standing behind the car, as it pulled forward and she watched them drive away, with Catra forming tears. She clenched Finn's toy in her hand as she saw everything that happened.

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