Just like the other pup.

"We have to get going soon" I spoke hoarsely trying to speak a little louder but couldn't.

I felt a light nodd from the pup. "But first I need to know your gender and give you a name" I grinned as the pup looked up to me again eyes wide this time.

Sometimes I feel like it can understand me. Imagine that!

His purring stopped "Girl or boy" I muttered getting ready to check myself.

A bark left its mouth making me raise my eyebrows "Girl?" The pup just stared at me like I was talking in an alien language "Boy?" it barked and nudged its head into my hand again.


"So you're a boy?" I asked the..or him.

He barked again confirming my suspicions.

"Do you have a name?" This time he stopped and stared at me again like I had grown two heads.

"I'll take that as a no" I mumbled.

"Milo?" The pup stared at me.

I'll take that as another no

"Nico" I said slowly smiling and he continued to stare at me plainly.

I huffed.

"Oh I know! What about Teddy?" This time the pup barked and started licking my face.

I started giggling from Teddy's funny antics as he started licking my face, barking and then howling all while his ears were up and his tail was rapidly back and forth.

"Who's a good boy?" I spoke in a baby voice giving him small kisses on the head.

Once we were done having a puppy party and gushing over his new name I started to get up with Teddy right by my side. I looked at the note again and it said to head east from here.





I learned that from Britney hehe.

Just as I was about to head East something occurred in my head which had me stop in my tracks.

"Didn't I hurt one of my legs?" I said to myself bending down and bringing up my jeans to look at my 'bad ankle' but everything was fine. The question was did I dream of being hurt? Or did Sofia and Britney use some kind of cream to help my leg?

At this point questions upon questions had taken over my mind debating whether or not I'm starting to lose it or could be imagining things. I could remember the pain vividly, especially when I fell on it when I was trying to go down those stairs.

I felt a nudge on my other foot and I instantly knew it was Teddy. "I'm all good just weirded out" I said, patting his head and he just rubbed his head into my hand again. He had a little habit of doing it which I found nothing but adorable.

Even though I knew one way or another I hoped we wouldn't run into anything dangerous.. Example No.1 - Wolves

In an instant I thought about the Puppy from the waterfall and the howls and the loudest one of them all that sent shivers down my spine, and that night I wanted nothing more than to know if that little puppy was alright but had no way to know for sure.

"Come" Is all I said as we started heading East hoping to find a road or some sort and I've officially decided that Teddy is going to come with me and I'll take care of him when we are finally out of this forest.


I had no idea how long it had been, but I could guess it had been at least a few hours. On the little note Britney and Sofia left me they never specified how long it would take to get to the road and it turns out I don't even have my phone anymore.

When I realised I needed to check the time I noticed I couldn't find my phone. I could have misplaced it somewhere or put it in someone else's bag which means if I get lost I wouldn't be able to call anyone. After that realisation I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of what would happen if I did get lost.

The entire time Teddy kept by my side and every so often I would check if he would need water or food. It had been a while since I ate so I decided to get the rice out of my bag but I had no idea how to start a fire so I would have to eat it cold with Teddy.

We found a decent spot with not too many twigs. I went into my backpack and grabbed my sleeping bag and rolled it on the ground and took off my shoes and finally sat on it. Teddy almost immediately came over to me and laid next to me. "Are you hungry?" I said, patting his head and his ears raised up and cocked his head to the side.

"Sorry it's going to be cold" I spoke with a little bit of shame at this point not even knowing how to start a fire. I should've paid more attention on the first night. Maybe I wouldn't be in this situation or I should've looked where I was going then I wouldn't have fallen over and hurt my ankle– that's if I did in the first place.

I huffed as the frustration with myself started to kick in at full speed. I shook my head and grabbed the rice from my backpack and tore it open. I poured half of the cold rice on the sleeping back and Teddy started digging into the food as I hoped he would. It felt like a small weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I was worried Teddy might not want to eat the food and eat something else which.. I didn't have anything else.

After we ate all our food I was about to put the empty packet back in my bag because littering is bad and I wouldn't want an animal from the forest to eat it because they think it's food.

A sound of twig snapping caught my attention, making me halt my movements. In the corner of my vision I saw Teddy's head snap us and started sniffing the air. Alarm started coursing through my entire body and I started cautiously looking around.

I heard a small whimper coming from Teddy as he slowly made his way towards me climbing on my lap and jumped up a little so his head was between my neck like he was looking for a hug, at that thought I wrapped my arms around him and he didn't move.

I carefully watched our surroundings for anything... but there was nothing, my once tense shoulders relaxed and I took a deep breath in. I hoped whatever that made the twig snap had gone away.

"Whatever it was, it's probably gone" I said, patting Teddy's back like he was a baby.

I smiled and stayed put for another 10 minutes, as I stayed still Teddy seemed to refuse to move from his place in my arms, making me chuckle. "It's alright Teddy" I continued to say repeatedly trying to reassure him everything was alright.

A sound of another twig snapping, but a lot closer this time and when my head snapped up I was immediately consumed with fear by what I saw only 2 feet away from me. How the hell could I not see it coming?

My entire body started shaking and tears collected in my eyes, my heart was beating so fast I thought my head was going to explode.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. "Hello Wolf" I stuttered trying to keep my voice from breaking.

Who knew wolves were so big?


Instagram : Purpl3UwiEE

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