We know about the abilities he possesses and we would wish to have him join our cause to defend our home and save humanity.

We await your reply.

Sincerely, Ozpin

Jaune scoffed at the letter, and just placed it on the table.

"He's desperate," he said.

"It seems he's serious," Firion said.

"Are you out of your mind!" Ace said. "They clearly want his power! And don't get me started on the Betrayal! First, they leave him now they want him just for his power!"

"If it is any consolation," Lightning said. "I would somehow listen to what they have to say"

"I suggest we take a slow action to sort this out," Warrior of light said.

"I say we don't," Kain said.

The Champions then began arguing on the choice of whether they accept or not but Jaune looked at the sky and sighed.

"We shall meet them for negotiations but I'm going there," He said.

The Champions looked at him confused.

"What?" they said.

"We'll have our Ambassadors handle the issue," he said. "If they want to speak to us they will have to speak on our terms"

The champions thought of it and agreed.

"Alright," they said.

A few days after, In Beacon

As the school went on preparing for the Vytal Festival, a news crew then stopped at the school and got out and ready for a special arrival. The students saw and gathered to see what was happening, then from the gates, came a luxurious car in the middle of two heavily armored cars. 

The camera started flashing and the reporters got in front of their cameras

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The camera started flashing and the reporters got in front of their cameras.

"This is Lisa Lavender reporting live in Beacon academy where i am standing by as the ambassadors of the new kingdom have arrived," she said. "My sources said, that the council has sent a letter of greetings to the people of the new nation as they come in peace, let's all hope they are kind not a hostile country"

From the armored cars, came out four Faunus Kingsglaive Knights, coming out of the door, shocking the people that faunus were present.

"We see four night-colored armored Faunus, they don't look like they're from the white fang, and they seem to be knights," Lisa said.

From the car, a knight opened the door and helped a person out of the car. What went out was a lady, a prim and proper lady. She was blonde and fair-skinned, and her clothes were unique and fitting for a high-class Lady.