Chapter 3

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In the dark lands, the Black dragon continent...

Salem the queen of the Grimm and her loyal subjects were present in her throne room discussing their plan for the fall of the four kingdoms and her reign of terror upon her new world

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Salem the queen of the Grimm and her loyal subjects were present in her throne room discussing their plan for the fall of the four kingdoms and her reign of terror upon her new world.

"Cinder, how is the cooperation with the White Fang?" she asked.

"Slow but good," the crimson maiden said. "We plan to use the 'weapon' to showcase recruits, and the Dust theft is growing with Roman Torchwick's cooperation"

"And our informant in Haven?" She asked, a muscled man.

"Still following your orders," he said.

"Well done Hazel," she said. "Watts, what of Atlas?"

"Going Splendid ma'am," the man with the bushy mustache said.

"Very good," Salem said, as she stood up.

"I shall leave you to your post," she said, leaving the room.

She then walked into a private room, within it was red crystals with people inside, and at the end of the room lay a crystal ball filled with a dark aura and a red light within it. 

She walked up to it and

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She walked up to it and

"It is done," she said.

Then dark and raspy whispers filled the room.

"No, but with the power, i shall rid this world and make a new image under my rule," she said. "As to you, to which you will help me make this happen... my dear friend"

The whispers continued on and on, making Salem think it was in disarray.

"No need to worry my friend," she said. "When you give me your power, i shall rid the gods that cursed me and destroy my enemies until they turned to dust"

The whispers then engulfed Salem's ear once again.

"The gods of your world have chosen a new champion," she said. "A boy nonetheless... well that boy shall be destroyed if ever he tries to foil my plans... Shinryu"