endgame pt.2

Depuis le début

The lighting from the device below strikes her, she looks down, flying closer to the device. She sees Wally struggling to keep up, no, no, no, placing her hands out she silently incants a spell, green flowing around, she flies closer, "Impulse, Flash run faster," she shouts, Kid Flash not far behind, "KF I can help you catch up, please let me help you, when I destroy this it will destroy you," she pleads, "Kat, it's okay," he says, her eyes well up, "I'm sorry I hurt you," he smiles, "I forgave you long ago," and he fades into the vortex, no trace of him left. 

Impulse and Flash run away from the vortex to avoid the blast, as Kat flies further above, she groans as she rips apart the device, "Oh shit," she exclaims when the thing begins detonation, the blast chucks her away, but Katrina had quickly shielded herself. The snow and wind dissipates, the north pole is eerily quiet, only the sounds of the speedsters panting, Kat had manage to fall near the group. "Kat!" Nightwing shouts, running to her, she lays on the snow unresponsive, Nightwing places her in his arms, "Kat? Can you here me? Wake up, wake up" he frantically urges, silence was his answer. 

"Ugh, hurts" she groans, coughing a bit, Nightwing only chuckles in relief, "You think you can stand?" he asks and she slowly nods as he helps her up, one am looped around him for support, as she limps towards the group. Everyone acknowledges her briefly, still wary if she might attack them, the team has faced too many betrayals to trust easily. "Wait, where's Wally?" Artemis asks shakily, "Artemis, he wanted me to tell, that he loves you," Flash says solemnly, but it didn't matter, the archer collapses onto the ground in tears as M'gann holds her. Kat digs her face into Dicks chest, trying to hide the tears, but hers weren't the only tears she felt. 

And there they stood, the original team, but they were one man down, it would never be the same, as it was. 


JUNE 20, 23:16 EDT

The members of the league that were accused had finally returned, landing on the sandy beaches nearby Mount Justice. What they were met with, shocked them all, "Are we too late?" Superman ponders, his answer was answered by the team appearing from the water. Kat had passed into unconsciousness after the reveal of Wally's fate, Dick held her the entire time, with the fear she would disappear if he let go. 

The Team reunite with their family, mentors, and friends, for the Wayne's it was a long wait until Katrina woke up, she'd been in a self-induced coma, since the battle. And for the rest of the team, it was a time of grieving, Wally, a fallen soldier, the hero we all needed, he knew the risks and still did what he had too, even if it meant leaving everyone behind. Dick didn't know what to do anymore, his best friend was gone and his heart was in a coma.


JULY 4, 21:16 EDT

They won the day, the reach are gone, the six leaguers are back, and so is Kaldur, but at what cost. Bart stood in front of Wally's hologram, another ghost who won't get see past the age of 21, he wears the yellow and red costume, but he felt like an imposter. Bart doesn't even know if any of this changes the future, most of history is largely a mystery in his time, then again he didn't bother learn about.  Artemis can say that it suits him, but that doesn't take away the knowing feeling in his heart, that every time someone looks at him, they see the ghost that used to wear it.

Nightwing and Aqualad walk together towards the Zeta-Tube, "if you need any help Barbra is here to help any time," Nightwing informs his friend, "are you sure about this, Dick?" Kaldur questions, "I can't do this now Kaldur, you, me and Wally, we founded this team,  with out him.." but he couldn't finish his sentence, "just think of it as a leave of absence," he smiles. The shake hands, a sign of good luck to each other, Kaldur walks away towards the new team, with new official additions. "Business as usual," Nightwing smirks walking to the Zeta. 


JULY 4, 22:38 EDT

Dick sits next to Kat, as he hears her heart monitor steadily beep, h hasn't let go of her hand since he arrived back home. With both Tim and Bruce on missions, he knew she would want a familiar face. "Ugh," he recoils back, but quickly snaps to Kat's face she just zapped him. 

Kat's eyes slowly flutter open, "D-dick? Where am I?' she asks tiredly, her words slurring slightly, "Home, we're home," he says coming closer to her, "Heal, you took in a lot of energy," he softly tells her. Katrina was to exhausted to argue, Dick was getting up to leave, but before he could let go of her hand she gripped tighter, "stay, please," she softly says. He remains in the standing position Kat scoots a bit, signalling him to join her in bed. He climbs on placing her upper body on his chest, "thank you for saving me," she says, "thank you for saving the world,' he replies. 

They wouldn't dare bring up Wally, neither ready enough to talk about their fallen friend. The med bay was quiet as the two sat in silence, just comforted by each other's presence. "Dick, I have something to tell you, you won't like it," she says, a pit of guilt settling in her stomach. "After becoming the Space witch, I also became the official supreme coven witch of the galaxy, in my coma I've been having visions, they're calling for me, I have to go," she begins, Dick doesn't speak for a moment, "How long?" he musters up, "I don't know, 1 year, maybe 2, my coven needs to know I exist, I have to live amongst them," she answers. "Why not say here?" she sighs, "I wish I could, I really do, but I have to go to the temple of Sora, she is our goddess or was, I technically am a space goddess now," she lightly chuckles at the idea of her being a god. 

Dick, however didn't find this funny, "Will I ever see you again?" he asks in a small voice, reminding her of the timid 16 year-old she met, still coming into his own. She lifts her upper body, weakly placing her hands on his face, forcing their foreheads together, "nothing will keep me away from you, my boy wonder," she sincerely says, placing a light kiss on his forehead. 

She stood by her word, nothing would ever keep them apart never again.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫

Okay so one more chapter to go, and that's literally just a goodbye chapter, I think I'm going to do a sequel

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Okay so one more chapter to go, and that's literally just a goodbye chapter, I think I'm going to do a sequel. But first I want to do a book, full if what if plotlines. Like I have an idea were 

Tʜᴇ Sᴘᴀᴄᴇ WɪᴛᴄʜOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant