Unremembered: Euphora

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I watched with relief as my mother and her wards appeared on my side of the loop. Everyone else was out and I had started to worry. But they had made it out. Mother, (who was in bird form) had her claws firmly attached to the back of a floating girl's dress, who seemed to have been carrying the others to safety.

Shortly after, she turned back into a human and was provided with clothes from her fellow Ymbrynes. She chatted a bit, and recovered from the time she had spent as a captive.

I watched her all this time. She made no movement to try and find her daughter. No one else did, either. I slowly began to feel angry, betrayed. Didn't she love me? Wasn't she worried?

When she stepped out of the crowd, I walked up to her. She looked at me, no signs of recognition on her face.

"And who might you be?" She asked, smiling at me.

"I'm... Euphora," I said, my heart thumping in my chest. What was happening?

"Miss Peregrine, delighted to meet you." She said, holding out a hand. I took it, wondering if my touch could perhaps knock lose her memories. She shook it firmly and released it. Nothing. I felt a lump rise in my throat. What had Caul done to her?

"And what's your peculiarity?" My mother asked me. "Who is your Ymbryne? Do you have one?"

What? It was too much for one day. My chest constricted. I choked and could no longer hold my sobs in any more.

"Oh, my dear, what's wrong?" She said, bending down a little to my height.

"You..." I said, sobbing heavily now. "You're my Ymbryne!" Why can't she remember me? My head swirled.

"You must be confused," My mother smiled sadly and stood again, drawing me near. "Come with me."

I was in shock, sobbing hysterically as she helped me over to sit on a rock. I nestled against my mother, crying. I had just gotten her back, and now it was like I'd lost her. She looked a bit shocked, but then her features softened. She stroked my hair until I had no more tears to give. I sat up facing her, my vision blurry, eyes puffy.

"Why don't you remember me?" The words came out as a horse whisper, hollow. What did your brother do to you?

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head, dear?" She was looking at me worriedly.

"Yes," I said. 

After a few seconds, I took a deep breath, and walked away, accepting the horrible reality that she wouldn't remember me. 

And as I walked away, I entered a new part of my life, one where I was hollow and convinced I would never love again.

Perhaps if I'd stayed she might have remembered me.

It is something I regret.


As Euphora walked away, Miss Peregrine couldn't shake the feeling that she was letting something important get away. She shook her head and returned to find Jacob in the crowd. But she stopped in her tracks as a wave of sadness and emptiness washed through her. Something was missing. Something important. But what was it?

In a sudden dash, she returned to the stone and looked madly around for the mysterious girl. She felt an odd longing, pointing, as if she were to follow it like a compass and it would answer all her questions. She rushed through the crowd, but all too soon the feeling was gone. Alma Peregrine was left feeling lost, empty as if she had cried all her tears. She slowly made her way to Jacob, not able to take her mind off the odd feeling that she had just missed something that would have meant the world to her.

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