With Blue Daffodils and White Lily of the Valleys

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"Hey there, Dee." I was shocked to hear George's voice behind me. Did he come to tell me I already lost? I didn't know how long I'd been sitting here, but I think the others should be...


Why couldn't I move? Was I in another dream again? I couldn't speak by myself either...

I didn't even fall asleep; I'm sure I'm still awake. I should be.

Maybe it wasn't too late after all.

"I... wanted to bring you some lavender flowers. But uh..." George pulled his hand out, revealing ashes that was later blown away by the heated wind. "I forgot to resist them for this place... I'm sorry..."

"If you think some fragrant flowers will convince me to come back, it wouldn't." I was so obnoxious. Did I run away? What happened...? "I'm perfectly fine staying here. Just give me some more time.", I said.

"If you consider having burned marks all over your body and sweating to the point where you can't even produce sweat anymore, then sure, I'll gladly leave you to suffer.", he pointed out. I wasn't not even touching my body and I could still tell I was sticky. How long was I in here? And why couldn't I remember any of this? Judging by his outfit, it's the same as the real George, so it must be recent, or at least not that many decades ago. "And I am well aware you can heal yourself, so it worries me even more that you refuse to do so."

I only grunted as a response; my facial expression leaving George extra concerned.

I felt him forcefully take my arm. I retrieved it back, hissing at the painful feeling on my scorched arm.

"I just want to help. May I?" He put his hand out; his face genuinely looked concerned about me. "Please...?"

His expression felt...filling. Like a light shining in a dark and unknown forest. His hand shining some sort of green and blue aura.

I caved in and handed him my arm. He took the sleeve off and started massaging my arm gently, each burn and bruise slowly disappearing. I hissed a few times; these marks were such a pain in the ass.

"I don't do this normally. But you did teach me how when I burned myself during our first visit here.", he mumbled.

"Hmph... I'm surprised you still remember that.", I chuckled. "Well, it makes sense, since it just happened last year."

For a short while, we both just stayed silent. The land around us turning blue and a lot less humid as George tends to my wounds. I guess that explains why this area is so different than everything else.

"Alright Dee, you should be better than before. And I made the area cooler too. So, if you run away again, there won't be any more marks at least." He let go of my arm, and sat next to me, with one knee at chest-level.

"Thanks.", I let out. I refused to speak any further; I paid attention to the view instead. It's a bit more pleasant to view without the sore heat I had to take in.

"I know some of those marks weren't from this place. Unless you fell off a cliff, which I highly doubt.", he broke the silence. "Are the tasks getting too much for you?"

"Uhm..." Even if I was in control, I honestly didn't know how I was supposed to respond. Where did these marks actually come from then...?

"Dee?", he asked. "Come on, you can tell me." He's always direct when it comes to us. I guess this is just a thing we're both used to.

"I'm supposed to be like you. Up to your level, creating something beautiful. Or even something dangerous can work. Just... something I can do for once. Something I'm meant to be.", I admitted.

In my dreams (The Road to Alstroemeria)Where stories live. Discover now