Toxic Obsession PT4

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"I'll get Goldie in here. We're gunna hold a service for her, but her family's going to have to know that she was a traitor." Peter comes over and sits on his knees in front of me. "Hi, Honey." I smile as I dig my fingers around his hair as he places his chin on top of my knees. "I love you, Darling." he smiles as he closes his eyes, huffing out a sigh. "I love you too." I purse my lips and squint my eyes as I mess around with his curls.
End of Recap.


"You look really happy." I note with a small giggle as I continue to massage his scalp. "Massage." he mutters with a big smile as he rubbed his head against my fingers. "So demanding." I tease as I scrunch my nose at him. "I know, I'm so terrible." he teases back, looking as peaceful as he does when he sleeps.

"I could stay like this forever." a happy sigh leaves my lips as I sit back, slightly groaning from the now desperately soggy bandage. The door quickly opens, though almost silent. "Hey, Goldie." I smile as I lean my head back for just a moment, then stare down at Peter. "You have to move, Dear." he pouts, "But I'm comfy." he retaliates childishly.

"I know you are, but don't you want me to get bandaged up?" I try. "Yeah...but I wanna stay here." I see Goldie smile and roll his eyes with the first aid bag in his hand. "Okay, we can stay here. If you don't mind me bleeding out on you and getting all sorts of infections." Goldie stirs up a laugh as he tries to pry Peter off. "I can just do it myself!" he practically squeals like a girl. "Oh Peter-you have blood all over you! Go take a shower." I cross my arms with a mother like head nod. Peter huffs as he grabs a shirt and goes into the bathroom.

After he closes the door, Goldie walks over and kneels down in front of me. "You sure do know how to make him soft." Goldie shakes his head. His brilliant reddish curls shake about. "What can I say? I'm just that good." I try to laugh, only to have pain humble me in the end.

I lift my shirt up enough for him to cut the bandages off and toss them into the trash bin beside us. "You know, he really did his best with Sparrow." Goldie let out, applying peroxide to a cotton ball, pressing it to each wound tenderly. Though, no matter how tender, each stung worse than the last.

I hiss in pain, "I know," another hiss followed by some ragged breaths, "it just seems so unreal sometimes. How could someone do that-." Goldie sighs throughout his work. "I know, Little fish." I smile as I catch his eye. "What?" he questions. "Little fish." he nods, "Goldfish, I am the big fish here." he smiles proudly. "The second big fish, Peter is the mega fish." we share a laugh. After he finished patching me up brand new, the click of the bathroom door penetrated the comfortable silence.

"Hey, do you wanna go out for dinner or do you have something in mind?" Peter questions as he throws his towel upon the bed. Looking up to answer him, the sight before me had me completely silent. The water dripping down from his even darker, now straightened hair dipping now his back and over his shoulders. Racing each bead down his chest to his stomach.

"Earth to Y/n." his voice rang out with a chuckle. Scrunching my nose I sigh, "I'm fine with whatever, Dear." I look over to Goldie, his hands rest upon the tops of my thighs. "I could make something for you." Goldie suggests as we make eye contact. I smile softly as rub my thumb over the tops of his hands. "You're such a sweetie." I giggle as he stands up. "Maybe y/f/f?" Goldie suggests.

"Mmm, it sounds amazing." I drag and giggle as our fingers entwined awkwardly to only let go a moment after. I caught Peters jealous gaze, I loved when he got jealous, it was adorable-but if it ever went too far then I'd have to wrestle a knife award from him.

"Dear?" I ask as I turn to him. "Sounds good. But there's something I'm dying to do later too, so maybe after dinner we can be alone." he hinted. Goldie nodded and sighed. "I'll go get cooking." he smiles and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to my temple. "Try to rest-your stabs won't heal right if you don't." he advised while leaving Peter and I alone.

"You're mine you know." Peter pouts, I get up from the chair and walk towards him with folded arms. "I'm your property? Since when did I become an object, Peter Kingston?" I questioned with fake venom. "You're not an object-you're a beautiful woman and-" I smile as I unfold my arms and wrap them around his damp shoulders.

"I'm just messing with you, Dear." I press some kisses to his chest. "Such a bully." Peter teases, wrapping his arms around my lower back, pressing his own kisses to my forehead. "You don't have to be jealous of Goldie." I smile as I rest my now abandoned forehead against the mat of skin I littered my love upon.

"I know, Darling. I just don't want Crimson getting any ideas." I rub my nose against his chest subtly. "You haven't called him that in a while." I mutter, my lips pouncing with each syllable. Silence stood for a moment. Crimson got his name from killing a dozen child rapists, he took their blood and meticulously drained each of them and held the blood in a bath. Crazy, he was. Now, he's more mellow, a lot more touchy feely.

"I love you, Darling." Peter sighed as he strayed from my hold and sat on the bed, our hands still interlaced. "I love you too." I return, a goofy smile on my lips. "You know Id do anything for you, right?" he asks, a shy nod from my head. "I know, and I'd do anything for you too." a soft sigh escapes.

"Have you thought about my proposal?" a small smile etched itself to both of our lips. "I have..." I trail with a giddy skip in my heart. My face heating up just by the thought, his thumbs roam over my hands, softly comforting my nerves. "And?" Peter asks with a wide smile, his sharp teeth shining like little moons. His eyes crinkled as his joy emitted from every part of him.

"And, Peter Kingston," I giggled as I grip his hands a little tighter, scrunching my nose in his face as he does the same. Utterly goofy looks on us both as we had barely any space between us. "Kingston, there's been a breach." Goldie practically screams as he whips the door open, the bang of it hitting the wall-and probably scuffing it-made he and I both jump. Quickly turning my head to Peter, he jumps up without hesitation. Grabbing a shirt and throwing it in as he runs toward the door. "Take Y/n to the Gummy Room until it's safe. I don't want a single hair on her head torn off. Got it, Crimson?" Peter seethed, Goldie nodded and stared me in the eyes, slight worry can be seen.

"I'll be back, just stay safe. Okay, Darling?" Peter asked as he flipped around the face me. I nodded, "Peter," I sigh shallowly, "be careful." Peter nodded as he headed off out of the room. Screams and gunshots could be heard throughout the elegant castle-like home. "Come on. Now!" Goldie demanded, I picked up the aid bag and scurried towards his side, running along with him as we make turns at every which way. I struggled to keep up with his pace, but I managed until we hit a room that was labeled G.R., I stared at it for only a second before Goldie swung the door open and shoved me in. The screams intensified alongside the gurgled mounds of blood curdling gasps.

Goldie locked the door and grabbed a gun from the wall of which dozens hung. "Take this and go sit in the corner." he instructed as he handed me the gun, then took his own and turned the lights off. Pure darkness enveloped us as the writhing agony could be heard, screams-mutilation-anger-violence can all be heard from the other side of the door. Goldie made his way over and practically sat on top of me.

"Stay quite." he whispered as he fingered his weapon, only to stop and make sure I had mine fingered correctly and then replaced his fingers on his. All sorts of thoughts roamed my mind, is Peter going to be alright? How was there a breach? Am I going to die?

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