Toxic Obsession PT2

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"You think just because you got Kingston wrapped around your little finger that you can come here and try to take everything for yourself? You don't know the first thing about running a fucking Mob. You haven't lived what we have. Now you're going to come here and ruin everything we all had?" Laudia screams out and spats with almost every word, spittle seeping.
End of Recap.

"I don't want to run the mob, I don't have Peter wrapped around my finger, and I most certainly am not going to ruin a damn thing." I spat out my own venomous words, face twisting with anger. "Sure you don't. Peter would never go for someone like you. You're not even a looker." Laudia huffs out as she flips her hair over shoulder.

"And you think you're some sort of prize? People have different definitions of beauty, though you might be pretty, you're an ugly ass monster on the inside. Fucking pathetic." I snap, feeling my chest rise and fall in double time. Turning my head towards the bin with now full, light blue sheets, I spot Laudia from the corner of my eye-heading towards the bin.

"You may have everyone here on their knees because of Peter, but don't you dare forget where you come from...Skovoich." her words raise the hair on my arms, one at a time. "I am not Skovich." I shoot back towards her, eyes narrowed in a deathly stare down with low breaths hitched.

"Yeah, and I'm the fucking president." she huffed as she grabs my throat tight with her left hand. Each fingernail digging into my pulsating flesh, my heart beat quickening with each dig of her perfectly manicured nail.

"You need to learn where your place is in this food chain. You aren't anywhere near the top. You aren't the leader," the sheathing of a knife could be heard, only a moment before the tip of the cool and jagged metal ripped through my grey shirt-leaving dark red stains and a bubbling, searing pain within my stomach.

My head lurched forward as she retracted the knife, the incredible pain from the jagged metal sides leaving my stomach felt like a vomiting abyss-abusing my intestines. Blood gathers within my throat and etched itself throughout from my tongue and drains from my lips. The red, water like substance taints my lips and her arm, dripping down her arm and plunking onto the cool and lifeless floor.

"you aren't a guard," she stabs the middle of my lower stomach, "you aren't even a fucking sex groupie." another half stab within my upper stomach and more blood spillage through my lips and dowsed upon the fresh, blue linen.

"You," her fingers grip my throat so tight that I cannot breathe, "are," she turns the knife so the butt is facing towards me. She jabs the butt into my left eye, digging in and almost popping it from its socket, my eyelid scrunched around the bulk of the butt. A horrid, throat raping, scratchy scream leaves my almost empty body, loud enough to the point where the echo vibrates the floor. "nothing." Laudia finishes, while forcing my mouth open, the blood and saliva mixture is forced out from my hanging jaw as she stuffs some of the linen into my already suffocating mouth.

Shutting my eyes, I fight to breathe, trying my hardest to breathe through my nose, even though her fingers are forcing my esophagus closed. "Help!" I scream though it's muffled, the sound of the door breaking from the hinges reverberate through the room.

As Laudia lets go of my throat, she throws me down to the harsh floor, "Y/n!" I heard Peters voice flow throughout the room, not an angry scream-more concerned and worried. A tone he rarely ever used, unless it had to do with his family-his real family. Sometimes with me, if I get hurt or complain that I don't feel good.

After slowly opening my eyes, I see Peters sculpted face etched with worry, my fingers slowly reach up and grasp lightly onto his beautiful dark curls. He quickly ripped the sheets out of my mouth and placed them onto the ground next to me, helping me to my feet shakily. "Make sure she doesn't leave. I am not through with her!" Peter demands to the men who barged in with him.

After Peter moved his right hand under my right arm, we hobbled back to our room down the twists of corridors. Once we reached our beloved room-the room that I've treasured ever since he brought me here-he whips the door open. Hurrying me along to the bed, picking me up awkwardly and splaying me across the relaxing sheets.

"I'm going to cut her fucking arms off and bleach her God-damnned eyes to oblivion!" Peter gutteraly screamed as he ran out the room like his life depended on it. Before I knew what was happening, one of his men-Goldie, I always called him that because he gave me Goldfish when I was unhappy-came into the room with his giant bag of medical supplies and of course Goldfish.

"Sit back." Goldie instructed, "No, I'm fine-where's Peter? Is he gunna kill her?" I asked with a low and faint beat. "Sit back." Goldie ordered with a shove as he began to rip my shirt to tend to my stab wounds. "Hold this over your eye." he commanded with a washcloth covered ice pack. Placing the cool cloth covered pack over my eye, I groan at the pain of the alcohol hitting the open wounds oozing with fresh blood.

"Fuck!" I scream as he accidentally over pours too much peroxide onto my tender skin. Whimpers and soft groans left my lips as he bandaged me up and took care of my assault wounds. "Goldie." Peters voice demanded as he silently reentered. I squint my right eye open to notice his blurry figure.

"Peter." I groan out as I take my right hand and hold it out for him. "Darling," he sighs as he grasps into my hand, pressing soft kisses to the back of it. "What did you do to her?" I question as I lay my head back against the bed, hair pooling around damp skull. "I'm a man of my word..." he childishly grins as he stands over me. His right leg pressed onto the outermost side of my left thigh. His right arm bent so that he had full access to my face.

"Please tell me you didn't-" he sighs, "I cut her arms off and bleached her eyes." he deadpans without hesitation, "She hurt your eye so I bleached hers. She used her hands to hurt you so I hurt hers." I feel my stomach lurch, slightly from fear and slightly from arousal.

"And her stomach?" I question, his left hand fingers caressing my forehead, his eyes glazing over my lips and my eyes, finally making eye contact. "I gutted her like a fucking fish." Peter purred as he slightly jutted his jaw out while never removing his eyes from mine.

"You murdered her?" I ask, slightly worried, my chest heaving against his muscular stature. "Murder isn't what I'd call it. I killed her to honour my love." Peter smiles villainously, his sharp teeth penetrating his lips. Dipping his head closer to mine, he slowly moves the pack from my eye, brushing his right thumb over the slightly swollen area. His pink lips press a feather light kiss to the aching flesh.

"Peter," I smile as his teeth graze my nose and drag over to my lips, ghosting them for almost what felt like forever. "I'd gut an entire country for you, my Dear." his smile slowly dipped as his eyelids fell over, pressing soft kisses and smiling in between for fractions of seconds.

"How about an entire kingdom?" I question, letting my right hand roam over his muscular and broad shoulder, the silk is almost rough with blood, the splatter practically drenched him. "I'd kill anyone and everyone for you." he smirks as his sharp teeth prick my rather soft lip-causing blood to loosely drip. "I love how insane you are." I coo as I litter his face with pecks, some sloppy, and some meticulously planned to get him to soothe me and my aching stomach.

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