Bucky Barnes x Reader: Thunder Storms

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Bucky Barnes: I'm Scared

Status: Fluff

Summary: Bucky is scared of thunder storms because they remind him of HYDRA, but you're there to help, no matter how scary it may seem on the outside. You're too naïve to understand that Bucky loves you. 

"Y/N, you seriously need to do something, he won't come out his room." Sam tells me with his arms crossed, staring me down intently. "What's that got to do with me?" I hissed back, convincingly well I might say, Bucky never wanted anyone to know that he and I were a slight thing. 

"You can't hide things from everyone. You're lucky Steve hasn't found out about you too." he tilts his head to the side. "There's nothing going on between him and I, he hates me and that's what it is." I sigh. "You're really obvious, now go drag his ass out here." he says while releasing his arms and letting the, drop to his sides and sway as he walked away. 

I sigh and I turned toward Bucky's room, sure Bucky and I were slightly close and were kind of attention dependent on each other sometimes, but we aren't like a couple, I know he'd never want me like that, I'm just here for a mission with the Avengers. 

I wrap a few taps on his door before pressing my ear to the side, hearing soft gasps coming from his side. Lightning and thunder cracks and booms outside, illuminating the dimly lit hallways. I turn the door, not caring if he's decent or not, I knocked, didn't I? 

"Bucky? You okay?" I ask, closing the door softly behind me, letting my hair fall in front of my face and turn the corner slowly. A curled up Bucky sits on the floor next to his open sink, his hands covering his ears as he shook and slightly whimpered. 

"Bucky?" I squeak out, crouching down and pressing my palm flat against his back, his head slightly raising, a pink tinge eroded into his features and rugged skin. "What's wrong?" I question as my eyebrows tilt upwards. All he does his shake his head as his chest heaves up and down and scoots away from me. 

I harshly grasp his left knee, pulling him back to me, his eyes wide. "What's wrong, Soldier?" the lightning strikes and the thunder enveloped our side of the compound. A soft yelp left his lips and a clogged groan follows. "Don't like storms, huh?" I say, trying to hold his gaze. 

He shakes his head, his gloves covering his hands, making a slight sticking sound as he moves his fingers, it's a horrid sound, I hate it. "Take these off." I demand as I grab his hands, plucking the gloves from each of his fingers to have a harsh pull to release both his hands, flesh and metal. 

"Hey! Those are mine." he whines, "Not for right now, you need to calm down." standing back up, I grab a face cloth and dampen it with cold water from the tap. Crouching back down I sigh as I press the damp cloth to his flesh hand, he's extremely warm, like a heater. 

"That stings, stop!" he practically screams. "No, no shut up." I order and grab his hand with unnecessary force. "You should learn to take help, you know. Not everyone's as gracious as me." he huffs. "I don't need help, it's just too loud." I scoff. "You always hide when there's a storm, at least that's what they say." I cock an eyebrow, reaching the cloth up to his face, his eyes are pulling my in like a magnet. 

"I get it. It's bright and loud, like back at HYRDA, it's okay to accept and ask for help, not everyone's as rude as you think. No teasing allowed." I softly smile, "I shouldn't ask for help, I should be able to get over it." he sighs, reaching his fingers up to mind, holding them and the cloth with his metal fingers. 

"That's toxic masculinity," I object "I think it's very manly to take help, especially when there's people who care so much about you." a short bit of silence stands between us as we just stare at each other. 

"I don't like thunder at all, it's scares me to death. Lightning reminds me of the observation lights they used. I don't want to go back or hurt anyone ever again." a few tears roll about his skin, magnifying and leaving trails down his handsomely rugged face. 

"You aren't, you're a hero and you need to realize that you are stronger than you know. Will of the mind, the mind has the higher power than you can even understand." offering a soft smile, he turns his head to his right and a slight smile appears on his face, a beautiful smile I might like to say. 

"Bucky, if you're going to be scared, you might as well have someone-" another crack of the lightning whip in the sky breaks, he immediately freaks out and starts to flail around, the cloth leaving my fingers as it tangles in his fingers. 

"Bucky, look at me, look at me!" I shout, hovering over him, forcing him to look at me as I use my right hands to cup his face. "Shh, it's okay. I promise, I'm here. No scary things, just me," I smile, "unless you think I'm scary." his state of panic begin to fade away with the soft undertones of calm overtaking. 

Hovering over him, a smile etches onto my face, a slight one on his. "You, you aren't scary." he breathes out, the cloth still entwined in his fingers. "No? I'm not a menacing agent?" a soft, sarcastic smile leaves me. "Not at all, you're...just an adorable one.' my heart skipped a beat.

He lets his head fall onto the floor, a slight umph following. I smile as I move to get up, but his flesh hand forced me down onto his chest. A giggle forcefully leaves me even though I didn't want it to come out. His flesh fingers trailed up to my face, slowly caressing my cheek. 

Words were clogged in my throat, I could even whimper or whisper a single thing out, all I could and wanted to do was reach up and press my lips against his, luckily he read my mind. He sat up slightly and pulled me with him, a nod shaking from me and a smile on his face. A forceful kiss erupted until he understood it was time to soften up. 

His arms were strong and held me like I was a fragile tea cup, everything felt so strange, but so amazing at the same time, I love this feeling. After several moments of sitting on the ground and enjoying out kiss, we pull away. 

"Stay with me?" he asks in a hushed voice, "Of course, Bucky." I smile as he pulls me into his chest and holds me as tight as he ever has, like I was going to leave. I would never leave. 

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