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*Elevens POV*

I was fading, my strength depleted from my fight with Vecna. He was so strong, and I wouldn't have made it without Eddie's final blow. Unfortunately his help came at a price, Henry saw it coming and decided to take him out with him, gutting him with his hand. I watched Henry pull his hand out of his stomach and collapse in a heap on the ground, Eddie soon falling to his knees. Running to him, I tried to keep him awake, I had to heal him, I had to repay him from my mistakes. So I did what I could, ripped the virus that created him into a monster, out of his wounds and tried closing them enough to stop bleeding.

This drained me completely, and I felt my conscious fading. I'm not sure where it was going though, all I could do was smile at Eddie, glad that he was safe, as a disappeared.

*Johnathans POV*

"Guys we did it! We killed Borys," Mike exclaimed over the walkie.

"Who?" I asked. "And is everyone okay, because Els still not waking up," I added.

"Will got knocked unconscious when the morphed mind flare fell, we called him Borys because he looks like the red dragon from DND. And Robin broke her ankle, but other than that no more injuries from our party," he said.

Sighing in relief that my brother was okay Mike spoke again, "is she breathing," he whispered through the walkie.

"Yea, she just won't wake up, and she's burning up, Argyle and I are heading back out and to the hospital to drop her off," I said.

"Copy, we'll meet you there, we need medical attention too," he responded.

*Hoppers POV*

Entering the basement of Hawkins lab and seeing the gate explained the explosion. But not what set off the explosion. Next thing I know the kids are coming out from the gate, pulling back the gooey vines to make way. Two seemed mildly injured, but the rest just looked tired and dirty.

"What in gods name were you doing in there?!" Joyce yelled from beside me.

"It's a long story, I'll explain on the way to the hospital," the older kid Steve said.

"You bet you will kid, get in the car with the injured, the rest of you, go with Joyce to my house," I ordered.

I watched as Steve kissed Mike wheelers sister on the cheek, and he carried Will to the door stumbling and almost dropping him from pure exhaustion.

"Give me the kid," I said while taking Will in my arms allowing Steve to help Robin to the car instead.

A little while later we were pulling into the hospital, "your telling me, the gate was reopened by a giant creature from the upside down that was being controlled by the guy who was killing those kids?" I said

"Yup, that's basically the whole thing," Steve said with a yawn, but shaking the sleeping girl who was slobbering in his shoulder, back awake.

Checking the kids in to the hospital I went to the waiting room. After only thirty minutes I heard tires squeal outside and the front doors slammed open with such force they clattered off the walls.

"Help! Someone help," I heard someone who sounded a lot like Joyce yell.

*Joyce POV*

Before Will could leave with Hopper, I kissed his stained forehead and squeezed his hand as he was carried away.

"We're the rest of you gremlins?" I asked.

"Johnathan and his friend was watching El in the upside-down. They should be back through the gate and supposed to meet us at the hospital because she was unconscious too," Mike said.

"My poor baby's," I said while bringing the boys and Nancy in a hug, "everyone's out of danger for good, right?" I asked.

"Yea, we defeated the main boss, and I'm pretty sure El got Vecna," Dustin said.

Suddenly the gate was torn open again and another figure stumbled out causing us to all fling around on guard. But the body just fell to the floor and laid limp until Dustin ran over and started to shake what appeared to be another boy.

"He needs a hospital! His wounds must have reopened," Dustin shouted, tears in his eyes.

I drove like a maniac to the medic, nearly taking out a mailbox or two. I peeled into the parking lot, barely stopping as we all jumped out of the car, attempting to haul the limp boy into the building.

"Help! Somebone help!" I shouted and watched as Hopper ran over to us, a worried look on his face.

"I thought I told you to go to my place." He said.

"Well if you couldn't tell there's a bloody boy in my arms and I think I should take him here, not your place," I said sarcastically, but worry lacing my words as I scrunched my eyebrows together.

Sighing Hopper helped a doctor carry the boy called Eddie to the emergency room for operation.

*Eddie's POV*

When eleven faded and the red domain broke apart, I tried to make my way to the nearest gate. Finding the dead beast I leaned my hand on it's side trying to catch my breath. Eleven did a good job fixing the massive hole in my stomach that Vecna created, unfortunately all the walking and the fact I had already lost so much blood made me light headed.

Toppling over the debris I found an entrance the monster created, I hardly had enough energy to walk through, my vision going dark as I stepped into the gate.

I don't remember what happen next, but I awoke in a blinding white room with stitches over my uncovered stomach and bandages across my body. Dustin was in the chair beside me peacefully sleeping, but woke when he noticed movement from me.

He laughed and said, "your a hero in life and death. I can't believe you killed the bastard! Your gonna have some sick scars, to bad the tail and wings are gone."

"I told you it was my year Henderson," I said grinning.

*Max POV*

I sat up in bed gasping as though a chain snap. Gasping for air and pulling off the oxygen mask from my mouth I looked around. No one was in my room, I was alone. I could hardly move my sore limbs off the bed, most were wrapped and my eye sight was fuzzy.

Latching on to the side of the hospital bed I tried to catch my balance as I took one step after the other to the door. Opening it I peeked my head out trying to squint to see down the hall. There were a couple figures heading my way, but then they were moving faster almost running and knocking me over when they reached me.

It was Lucus. I grabbed onto him and he wrapped his arms around me, his sobs shaking us both as he hugged me. I could make out everyone behind him, Dustin, Will, Mike, Eleven, Steve, Robin, and was that Eddie?! Shocked I let go of Lucus and went to Eddie, "your alive?" I said.

"Long story, I almost died after I came back to life, so did everyone else," he said shyly as sharp looking teeth poked at the edges of his lips.

"Wait, so did you defeat Vecna, you know that time I helped free you?" I said looking at eleven.

"Yes, but that was four months ago," she stated.

"You mean, Iv been asleep for almost..."

"Five months max," Lucus whispered. "We were scared you'd never wake up, but here we are."

"Of course I'd wake up, what do you take me for? Plus we had a movie date," I said laughing and attempting to pull everyone else into a hug.

We stayed like that for a while until I broke the reunion, "so are we gonna block the hall all day, or are you guys gonna get in here and tell me everything I missed?" I said smiling.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅

𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin