They both die in the end

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*Elevens POV*

Standing motionless among the vines, pretending to be chained, I waited for Henry to return to make my move. When he finally came back, he wasn't alone, Eddie was with him. I watched as he looked around pausing when he saw Chrissy, who's destroyed body hung near me. Wondering why he was back, when it took most of my energy to push Henry out of his mind, I made eye contact with him. He gave me a pained look, his eyebrows scrunching together as he quickly directed his gaze elsewhere.

I patiently waited for Henry to come closer to rip away the vines that now hung loosely around my body. In doing so he looked shocked, but soon he put on a cool expression and said, "Eleven, what a surprise, how did you managed to loosen the restraints," trying to sound calm.

"It's a secret," I said glaring at him. "I could ask how Eddie's back, but I already know how you manipulate people, just like papa."

"I am nothing like that man!" He spat, "But yes, he's about to be shown to an army to lead, including my big pet red," Henry said. Eddie kept looking lost and a little scared, I could tell his brave face was a front.

All the anger I buried inside from my past, to recent events, came bubbling to the surface, and with it came great power. I held my arms out and flung Henry across the domain. Eddie watched in awe and terror as Henry stood back up, this time hurtling me with his mind.

We went back and forth like that for a while until we came almost face to face, both of us breathing heavily, but him looking like he knew something I didn't.

"If I have to die, I'm not going alone," he said just as Eddie pierced him in the heart.

*Robins POV*

I was put on lookout, to look for monsters, or anything that would attack the group. Sitting still for long periods of time was not my strong suit, so I kept switching trees to have new vantage points. I was watching as Nancy, Steve, Dustin, and Lucus threw explosives at it, attempting to take it down. The colors exploded in the air blinding the thing as it spun in circles trying to find the culprits. It must have made itself dizzy because it soon toppled over, unfortunately in my direction. I scrambled down the branches, landing hard on my left ankle and I heard it crunch, I let out a cry in agony. Trying to run was difficult with a broken ankle, but I hobbled out of the way as it collapsed inches away from me. I slid to the ground panting, the adrenaline fading and pain starting to consume my left leg. Grasping my hands around my leg to ease the pain I saw Nancy and Steve running in my direction. But they stopped short, I reached for anything to help lift me to see what they where looking at. It was Will, and he was laying motionless on the ground near the dragons tail.

*Wills POV*

What stood in front of us, as we approached the lab through the woods, was familiar. It was the mind flare, but instead of black, it was red, and had more of a solid body than just being smoke. Plus now it had three heads and glowing yellow eyes as it turned to face Steve and Nancy's direction. To be honest I'm not sure we could defeat it, we didn't have an escape plan, and we were down a few people.

Suddenly Robin dropped from a low hanging branch close to us, we all jumped in surprise and turned our weapons on her.

"Woah, it's just me," she said holding up her arms in defense.

Sighing the five of us made our way behind the monster. "We have to find the weak spot, and kill it as quickly as possible," Mike said from beside me.

He was pulling out his sword and held it up like a knight. I had a flame thrower, I choose because it reminded me of a wand, but also because fire beats everything. Dustin and Lucus held guns and a couple other weapon's for backup. And Robin was just tagging along so she wouldn't be left behind, before she crawled up a new tree and started her look-out journey once again.

𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now