The beginning of the end

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*Nancy's POV*

"El thinks Vecna and Eddie are at Hawkins lab," Steve said.

"Yea we figured as much, we entered through another gate and passed near the place, it was swarming with creatures," Johnathan voiced.

"Okay so here's the plan. We're going to need bait," I said looking at Dustin.

"No way. I am not going near all those monsters by myself," he said.

"Oh yes you are, I think your the only person who can get close to Eddie without him chomping your head off," I said.

"Fine, but only because it's for Eddie, you better give me the best weapon though," he finally agreed.

"Good. Distract him as long as possible, I don't care what you say or do but make sure everyone's attention is on you. The next part is crucial, I need Eleven to fight Vecna indirectly, she's going to need to get into Eddie's head and shove him out," I said.

"Mike you stay here to guard her body while she works her magic," Johnathan added.

"So if El rips out the stuff the bats put into Eddie, he'll go back to normal?" Steve guessed.

"That's what I'm hoping for," I said. "But we can't do that until he's free from Vecna, then we need to retreat. We don't have the time or forces to defeat Vecna right now. The escape plan is everyone who I didn't name is on defense. Stay close to one another and on the lookout, once we grab Eddie we're heading to the closest portal," I said. Giving everyone a match and torch for an emergency we headed to Vecnas hideout.

*Elevens POV*

Staying behind Mike and I created a sensory field for me so I could find Eddie, we waited for the signal from the others to start.

Soon Steve's voice muffled through the walkie declaring it was show time. I sat in a meditation position and Mike played static over the tv, since there was no water in the upside down, this would have to work.

I felt around for Eddie and once I grasped onto him I tried to pry into his mind. This time it was like forcing opening layers of metal, each was thicker than the last. I know this was hurting him, I could feel the backlash of his pain taint my skin as I ripped off the last wall and forged ahead into his mind.

There hung Eddie in a white room with strings attached to his arms and legs just like a puppet. Henry was behind him pulling the strings, but once I appeared he turned to face me.

"You finally arrived, Iv been expecting you," he smiled menacingly and pulled the strings that were attached to Eddie's lifeless-looking body. "Watch as I make him kill the little one."

"No, I won't let you," I screamed and held my hand out forcing him back. He ripped through the white walls that surrounded us like paper and fell into one of Eddie's memories. I quickly cut the strings and watched Eddie dissipate into dust. I took that as a sign of his freedom and went after Henry.

"You will not hurt my friends anymore," I yelled, this time making him levitate in front of me. "Get out of his mind," I whisper shouted at him.

He laughed and I saw something evil glint in his eyes, "as you wish but like I said, this is just the beginning of the end," he announced and vanished while I gave him one final push.

*Eddies POV*

One minute I'm looking at Dustin the next I'm keeling over with my hands pressed over my head. The searing white pain ripped in waves across my mind. It felt like someone was pulling away at head, after what seemed like endless suffering I felt something being cut away. Stumbling to my feet I realized I could move on my own, so I did.

𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now