✯Chapter 11: Kryptarium Prison Blues✯

Start from the beginning

The ninja started to head off back to their cell.

Darreth: "Don't worry! Trust me! It's a tried and true tactic that worked in similar situations."


The ninja grabbed their lunch as they walked outside to the courtyard. They sit down on the tables as they looked at their food. The food was strange as they had a bowl of some kind of goo. Zane was holding motor oil in his hands as he looks at it.

Jay: "What is this "food" supposed to be?"

Cole: "I was gonna say oatmeal, but oatmeal isn't green."

(Y/n): "It's not?"

They looked at (Y/n) as she seems like she was going to eat it until she puts the spoon down and pushes the plate away from her.

(Y/n): "So... this whole time when I was in prison at 14 years old, it was never an oat meal? I'm afraid of what it actually is... And now I'm afraid if this apple juice is really apple juice."

She was disgusted but also scared of what the apple juice could actually be.

Zane: "I told them I do not drink motor oil, but they still game this."

Lloyd also pushes the plate away from him.

Lloyd: "I think I'd prefer the oil."

Cole: "At least there's cake."

(Y/n): "Keep that away from your mouth. That will break your-"

Too late. Cole takes a bite but it wasn't cake. It was like a stone cake. Cole yelps as he holds his mouth in pain.

Cole: "Ow! That hurts! If you wanna keep your teeth, don't eat the cake."

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice.

Pythor: "Well, well... Looked here."

All: "Pythor?"

Pythor: "You do-gooders got locked up with all the baddies you put away?"

Behind the scenes, Zane was trying to drink the motor oil. He's trying to be grateful. I think so.

Pythor: *scoffs* "Ironic, isn't it?"

Pythor laughs as (Y/n) groans. The first time she met pythor, it was a mess. He caused problems with her as he did leave a mark on her arm. Kai started to sarcastically laugh.

Kai: "Laugh it up, Pythor! But you're stuck in here too."

Pythor: "Yes, I got busted... By the New Ninja. Who are so much better than you were, by the way."

That set off Kai as he was going to fight him until Cole and Lloyd stopped him.

Jay: "He's not worth it, Kai."

Pythor: "Oh, don't fret for me. Word is, someone's breaking villains out for a big job. I'll bust out this joint before you know it."

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