King Dice x Devils Lackey! Reader [UPDATED VERSION]

Start from the beginning

"You act like I care, cup. My boss wanted their debt repaid," You went to turn when you heard that cup taunt you, "I bet I can beat you in a fight! But you don't have to if you're scared!"

You stood straight, unmoving as you spoke softly, "I already got what I want, what could you give me to make it worth my time?" Your voice sounded hollow as you turned to the mug.

Dread was written on his face as he pulled a familiar scroll from his mug. Your eyes lit up as you smiled, "Now that...that's worth my time. Alright Cup, I'll take your bet" From your back you pulled your marbled staff and struck it against the ground, the ends igniting in a deep purple blaze as you and the small cup took to battle.

"Cup it aint worth it!" Dice shouted as it broke his stupor. Cuphead turned to look at Dice and in the moment gave you the perfect opportunity. You brought your staff down over your head and landed a hit on the cup's arm. It shattered and sent the cup to the ground. The group shouted a collective 'No!' as they watched Cuphead cry out and grab his ruined arm. You flicked your staff and stepped down on the mug.

"Damn it, get off him!" You turned at the sound of King Dice, now he had stepped onto the battlefield. You pulled the small scroll from Cuphead before stepping aside. You walked back out and finally got a good glance at the man as he took in everything about you. From your red waistcoat down to your blood red wingtip shoes and back up to your dull (e/c) eyes.

"Don't make me fight you too Dice" You mumbled. He was taken aback by the hidden sincerity in your tone. Tension was only rising between you two before you looked down at your watch. You closed it and tucked your compact staff away. "Well even if I wanted to fight ya I'd have to save it for a later day, how bout it Dicey, wanna make it a date?" You were shameless as you turned and began your return to the casino.

Dice could only watch you leave as he felt his stomach drop. He turned to look back at the broken cup but you caught his eye, leaned up against a tree beckoning him to follow. Dice didn't need a second to decide, he tore off after you. He listened for the faint sounds of your laughter and hoped that it would lead him true. He broke through the greenery and nearly stumbled as he came to a stop.

"Y/N? Where are you?" He asked quickly, turning in circles looking for you. He let out a quick yelp as he was grabbed around the waist and flipped onto his head. Your laughter filled the small plain as he rolled onto his back. He sat up and listened to your contagious laughter, his smile finding a place on his face.
"It's been a while Dice, enjoying retirement?" You teased as you helped him to his feet. You dusted him off and smiled at an old friend. He however cupped your face in his hands moving your head around as he began to look for something.

"The hell's your problem?" You asked as you shoved his hands away from your face, but he was faster than you thought and he grabbed your wrist. You hissed as he stared down at the red ink. You pulled your wrist away and fixed your sleeve.

"You're in Debt? That's why you're working for that sleaze ball?" Dice shook his head as you pushed him back.
"It aint mine. It's my Pa's debt. Finally got in contact and wanted to help." Your rising anger began to affect your tone as you crossed your arms.
"Your pa? That man ain't done shit for ya, yet you throw your life away from him? What logic is that?" Dice was fuming, "That man left you to-"

"I know! Damn it, I know the kind of man my Pa is, but he's blood and my only Pa. Take this before I regret giving it back," You tossed the small scroll back to Dice as you pushed past him, "Tell them kiddos you roughed me up for it or not, but my boss didn't ask for it and therefore didn't need it." Dice fumbled the scroll, checking it and seeing it was Cuphead he pocketed it. Turning to get another word in before he saw he was alone. Even the trees were still as he looked around. He muttered a soft 'damn it' as he shook his head.

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