Chapter 2: On the other side

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Today, today's the day I'm 16,but there's not really much to celebrate. So I think I may go to town to explore a little bit.
~~~A while later~~~

I finally made it to town after a thirty minute walk there. I was exhausted, I guess that its because I only do this much walking only about once a year. When I came upon the stores and shops in town some of the workers greeted me. And yes I am known in town, because of how rare I am seen and when I am, people ask if I've been doing well and they give me a few things without paying, I'm thankful for their generosity but they think that I cannot speak because I have no vocal cords, I let them keep believing that theory.
"So Kara, Im thinking that today's your birthday? Seeing as though your here" Said Tony, the baker who owns the bakery right across from my favorite cafe. He snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded slightly at his question.
"I knew it! How old are you now?" Tony was like 24 compared to me but he seemed like he knew what I've been through.
I wrote on a piece of paper that I pulled from my bag that I was turning 16.
"Ah, the big 1 and 6, happy birthday kiddo!" Tony patted my back and I gave him a slight nod, he gave me a free loaf of bread then I headed back to wandering around the town. I stopped by the flea market for a few more seeds to plant before fall comes.
~~15 Minutes Later~~
My legs are killing me! And I'm carrying so much stuff! I had gotten so much stuff from so many stores that I didn't know what to do with some of the antqiues I got.

I walk across a small cafe that I've noticed wasn't here before.
I guess it's new since I haven't seen it before. I looked insode the cafe thought the glass and saw not a lot of people there, and it looked nice with all the flower arrangements and nice furniture. So I walked inside and ordered a number 5, which was a cup of hot, sweet tea with two small chocolate cookies. What? I have some type of girly side to me too, I'm not cold hearted! Anyways..
While I was reading one of the books I bought at the bookstore two guys that looked around my age started to talk to me, I disliked that.
"Uh, hey, I'm Dylan." The boy with the messy blonde hair said, he was cute, but not my type.
"And I'm Connor, what's your name?" The other boy with the red hair said, he was cute, both of them were, but like I said before, not my kind or type.
I took a piece of paper and wrote down:
"Hi, my names Kara, and if you two are trying to hit on me or something, it's not going to work, I'm not the type to fall for guys like you and I will never go for someone like yourselves, so if you'll excuse me, I have to leave."
I got up from my chair, took my bags and other belongings, and walked out of the cafe. I get hit on by guys every once in awhile, but I reject them, I hated being lonely but some part of me turns on and pushes those people away, and I can't do anything about it. I decided that I should start heading back home and end the little adventure in town. Plus I needed to start planting the new seeds I bought.
I left at 2 in the afternoon.
Once I got home I already started planting all the new seeds. Once I finished I harvested the already grown vegetables and fruits. Yeah....some way to celebrate a great birthday huh?
I was in the garden all day, by the time nightfall came, I was already done in the garden.
So I went inside, got cleaned up and put on my night clothes. But I didn't go to sleep.
I went up into the attic and sat in front of the large, old mirror just looking at it. I kept staring at it for an hour wondering...if something more lies beyond the mirror. "I...I wish to not be....alone anymore...please?" I said my voice cracking a little. I sighed at the thought that it wouldn't listen to me..its not even real.
So I got up and was about to head back down when
A sudden color of blue and purple waved up and down the mirror. But it only lasted for a few seconds and then, faded away. I went back to the mirror and brushed my fingertips against the sides. I could feel something, like its living or something was breathing inside the mirror.
It cant be! Maybe im seeing things because im up so late..
I shook it off and headed down and closed the door to the attic and went to bed.

In the attic
The mirror started acting up again. But then...something went through....something no one would believe...he came.......the story begins now.

Dark WingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora