Chapter 8: Cold Winds! Blanc vs Vert: Round 2!!!

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Neptune: Whoa, seriously?

Blanc: How could you say that if we haven't even seen you duel yet?

Rachel looked at Blanc and just smirked.

Rachel: Oh, trust me... You'll see what I can do soon enough.

After that little discussion had ended, the group continued to relax in the living room for a while.

Then, after an hour of relaxation had passed, Azure quickly got up from his seat and stretched before turning his attention towards Blanc and Vert.

Blanc: Hmm?

Vert: Is there something the matter?

Azure: Ehh, not really. I was just wondering if... you two are ready to settle the score.

Hearing this lit up the room with a sense of slight anticipation.

Noire: Settle the score?

Neptune: Oh yeah, I remember. Blanc and Vert didn't get a chance to finish their last duel.

Rachel: Right. Thanks to ol' three heads, we never got to see the ending of their duel.

Azure nodded at Rachel, before he looked at the two CPUs.

Azure: So guys, what do ya say?

Blanc and Vert looked at Azure, then at each other, before they smiled and nodded at each other.

Vert: It would be my sincere pleasure. After all, if there is one thing I am not a fan of, it's leaving matters unsettled.

Blanc: Same goes for me. I've actually been thinking about this ever since that three-headed douchebag ruined everything.

Neptune: Aw yeah! This I gotta see! The rematch of the century!

Noire: Neptune, it's just a simple duel. It's not like we didn't see this coming a mile away.

Rachel: I dunno... I'm actually getting pumped!

Azure: Same here. Blanc, Vert, your rematch will begin soon.

Blanc and Vert: Yes!

Azure: But... Before that, let's take this somewhere else.

Neptune: Huh? What's the deal?

Noire: Yeah, why can't we go back outside?

Azure: Oh no, it's not that. It's just... Umm... I... kinda don't want my backyard being constantly being ruined, that's all.

At first, the four CPUs didn't seem to understand what he meant by that, until it finally clicked in their heads, as he was referring to the "collateral damage" they somewhat caused.

Neptune: Oh yeah... Hehehehe... Whoops.

Blanc: I get the feeling he might be talking about me.

Noire: Yeah, I think I get where he's coming from.

Vert: Well then, I suppose it would be for the best if we simply relocate to a more proper environment for this duel.

Rachel: You guys took the words right outta my mouth. So Az, where to?

Azure: Hmm... let me think...

Azure thought a bit about where exactly Blanc and Vert could have their rematch. Thankfully, the spirit of Azure-Eyes whispered into his ear, giving his own input. All Azure said was the occasional sounds like "Mm-hmm", "Uh-huh", or "Okay". After the duelist and duel spirit gave each other a thumbs-up, Azure quickly returned his attention back to everyone.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueling Goddesses (Yu-Gi-Oh! x Hyperdimension Neptunia Crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat