Beach Day!

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"Techno" Techno heard someone whisper as they gently shook his shoulder, "Techno" they repeated again. "Hm?" Techno hummed in reply. "It's beach day" he heard a bit clearer now. Just that phrase woke him up slightly as he turned over so he wasn't facing the wall and looked at the person, Wilbur stood there with a clear smile on his face. "C'mon it's gonna be great, I'll get you the things so you can get dressed" he said, walking away as Techno sat up and stretched. "Here" he soon said, putting swimming trunks and the swimming top he had talked about on the bed. "Thank you so much" Techno smiled, waking up more as he rubbed his eyes. "It's no problem at all now quickly get changed whilst I get changed into my own stuff" Wilbur said, getting his own swimming trunks and a normal gym vest top before going into the bathroom.

Techno quickly got changed before calling Wilbur in after a knock was heard at the door. "Ok so, me and dad have already done the packing for it all, is there anything you wanna put in the bag?" Wilbur asked. "No I don't really have anything" Techno said with a small laugh. "You have the fidget, I'll put that in the bag just incase" Wilbur said, grabbing the fidget before leaving the room. Techno heard his phone ping, he sighed in annoyance, not even looking at the message as he swiped it away before putting the phone on silent. "Dad and Tommy are at the table, we're going in about 20 minutes so we have time to eat and do other stuff. Come join us" Wilbur smiled. "Ok" Techno smiled back, forgetting his phone as he followed Wilbur downstairs and sat at the end of the table again, seeing something he had only seen on TV, *pancakes* he thought. He then felt someone tap his leg as he looked at Wilbur. "Take it slow, the hunger will eventually start to hurt which will make you want to eat more" he mouthed, completely making that up but Techno bought it as he took a couple of bites, feeling sicker and sicker before he stopped after the 6th bite.

"You did good" Wilbur whispered to him before being interrupted by Tommy, "I want in on the secrets!". *He's got the same thing I have on* Techno thought, getting completely distracted by Tommy having the same top that he had on."We were just saying how we're going to throw you into the ocean" Wilbur said, looking Tommy dead in the eyes. "You can try!" Tommy laughed. "Ok come here then for practice!" Wilbur said as he stood up, making Tommy quickly get up and start denying everything, "you see Wil I didn't mean what I said- DAD HELP WIL'S GONNA MURDER ME!" Tommy yelled with his arms up. "Will both of you sit back down" Phil laughed. Wilbur started walking away before hearing a little, "yeah that's what I thought". He instantly turned back around, making Tommy start to ramble again, "-Oh who said that not me that's for sure ahahah". "Sit down" Phil laughed harder. They both sat back down as they all finished their food, Techno eating nowhere near to the rest of them but he felt proud that he had eaten that much, even tho he felt quite sick at the same time. He drank a bit of juice he had been given before following them all to the car.

"Techno you can be in the front, Tom and Wil in the back" Phil instantly said as he put the bag in the boot, stopping the argument between Tommy and Wilbur before it even started. "But-" Tommy started before being interrupted by Phil looking at him, "got it" he said as they both got in the back whilst Techno and Phil got in the front. "Tommy your phone is connected to the car so play what you want" Phil said as Tommy suddenly screamed in excitement, making Techno jump. "You alright?" He heard Phil whisper as he looked at him. Techno nodded with a smile. "Wil, you brought your guitar didn't you?" Phil asked before starting the car. "Yeah I put it in the boot" Wilbur said. "Ok, is everyone ready to go, we didn't forget anything?" Phil said, making sure. "Everyone's got everything now go!" Tommy yelled once again, making Techno jump again but not as much.

"Tommy" Wilbur said. "Sorry" Tommy laughed, calming down slightly before putting on a song whilst Phil started driving. "Change the song" Wilbur instantly demanded. Techno was confused until he realised it was Wilbur singing. "Sorry Wil, I can't hear you over the awesomeness LoveJoy keep making!" Tommy smiled, making Wilbur laugh. It didn't take that long to get to the beach as Phil eventually parked up before they all got out the car. Techno was glad he didn't have to hear another "are we nearly there yet!" by Tommy. Phil carried the bag as Wilbur held Tommys hand so he wouldn't get distracted easily and wonder off whilst Techno walked in between Wilbur and Phil.

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