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june twenty fourth, 1996.

dear cedric, today is the day i have dreaded for the past year. words cannot even describe how much i miss you. i miss your smile. i miss your laugh, and i miss the way you held me close on those cold nights in the common room.

i'm in my seventh year now. whoopie! i'm still planning on becoming a magizoologist. my father has been setting up some sort of internship with your father at the ministry. i'm happy i'll get to be working alongside him.

he misses you. more than i.

i've shared so many memories of us with him. he loves hearing about that time you tried to sneak up on me and ended up falling into the snowman we made. he said 'that's something he would do.' which i totally agreed with.

sometimes i wish i could turn back time somehow. turn back and stop you from entering the tournament. i would probably go back farther and become friends with you in our first year. i always wanted to, but i was too intimidated by that charming smile of yours.

anyway, i hope life is good..wherever you are. one day i'll see you soon. i'll get to be by your side again just like it used to be.

thank you for everything, cedric.

i love you.

           love , skywalker.

skylar tore the page from her journal, folding it up and setting it upon the grave in front of her.

she stood up from her kneeled position, looking down at the words written on the stone of the grave. her hands fumbled with the silver bracelet that still hung on her left wrist.

"i will love you til' death do us part." she repeated.

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