Council Meeting

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Monaley stayed close to me as we quickly made our way to where the Council Chamber was. If I recall correctly at least. We slowed down our pace as a group of guards came into our vision. It didn't take long to figure out that we had come to the right place. Before we approached, I took a deep and shaky breath. Monaley started rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"How are you doing?" She whispered to me.

All I could manage was a smile. Before she could ask anymore, I stepped away from her comfort and walked towards the guards. They tensed up as I approached and held out their weapons. There were beautifully woven Bows and arrows. Some had curled vines hanging by their sides. Holding my head up high, I looked each man and woman in the eye before speaking.

"My name is Everest Frostfire. I am the Daughter of the Empress of the Ximian Clan. I have come to speak with the leaders of this Clan." I spoke clearly and the guards seemed to shift uncomfortably.

"I am sorry princess, we can't let you in." A male finally spoke.

"May I ask why?"

"Because you are trespassing and we have orders to take you to a cell." A woman said, her hatred burning in her eyes.

"Let me guess. Your Elder Jalone has ordered you to do this?" Monaley spoke up, coming beside me once more. Their silence was our answer and Monaley scoffed at them before curling her hands in anger.

"I will have a meeting with you leaders one way or another. It's up to you whether you want to end up injured severely or not."

My words caused the guards to shiver a bit but they continued to stand in my way. I had to smile at their amount of loyalty. Before I could even take a step towards them, a breeze swept through the area and all their eyes glazed over. They lowered their weapons slowly as their eyes returned to normal. I raised an eyebrow at them as they cleared the way. Their previous hostile attitude seemed to have diminished and was replaced with something else. Cautiously, Monaley and I made our way forwards. Just as we were about to enter, we were stopped once more.

"Sorry Princess. Only you are allowed to enter this way." The first man from before explained. Monaley pulled me back a ways, a question in her eyes.

"Find some clothes and blend in as much as possible. If you can, find Andy or Ciaran and stick with them. I don't know what just happened but I don't have a good feeling about it." I whispered as we placed our foreheads together.

"What are you going to do?" She whispered back.

"I'm going to go into the lion's den and hopefully come out with peace." I replied as we parted.

"Tralvaie Notroctum relwen bai" Monaley said before disappearing into a rush of forest people. I turned back to the guards. They were eyeing where Mona had been with wary eyes.

"Where did she go?" They asked.

I simply shrugged before heading into the Council Chamber. The familiar scene brought nostalgia to my heart. The Chamber had been fashioned in a way that any gathered crowd looked down at the speaker and the Council members. The seats in which the Council members were seated were beautifully carved and sat behind another carved bench. Their seats were raised high enough to look down on the speaker but not high enough to be above the crowd. The benches that the Crowd sat at seemed to be magnificently woven from the tree itself. However, I was surprised to see an already gathered crowd. In the center of the speakers' circle was none other than Elder Jalone.

"I beg the council. We must strike the other clans before they have the chance to strike us. I have intel that the Generals of the Walalope Tribe and of the Ximian Clan are collaborating and planning an attack. I suspect that their first target will be us." He wove his tale of lies and I could see a few members nod their heads in agreement.

"Wouldn't it be hard to organize an attack when one of the Generals is standing right behind you Elder Jalone?" I spoke up. Several people gasped as their eyes landed on me.

"What is the meaning of this? Who are you?" A Council Member spoke up.

"Apologies Council Member Nettler. I instructed the Guards to keep this intruder out! It seems they didn't listen. Guards!!" Elder Jalone screamed and the same guards came rushing in.

"Take this Intruder away from here this instant!" He instructed.

Murmurs started up around us and the guards hesitated. Frustrated, Jalone stepped closer to them and harshly whispered something. A few of them shivered and glanced my way nervously. Fear emanated from them as Jalone continued to talk to them. My eyes narrowed and I walked up to them.

"They didn't have a choice in the matter, Elder Jalone." I interrupted them.

"And why is that?" An older Council Member spoke up.

"Because my name is Everest Frostfire. I am the Daughter of the Empress of the Ximian Clan. I have come to speak with the leaders of this Clan in the hopes to establish peace amongst our clans." I addressed them.

"My my. You sure have climbed up in the world haven't you my dear." Jalone whispered to me.

"What this man has told you is a lie. Empress Calista has deemed me the Commander of her army when I came into her care. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the army wouldn't gather unless my or the Empress gave our say so?"

"How are we to know that you are not simply here to distract us?If you were truly here for peace, then why come in your haggard appearance?" Jalone replied, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Forgive me for my appearance Council, I was in a rush to see you and it seems I had forgotten my manners on the way." I swept in a low bow,ignoring Jalone's malicious grin.

"If you had forgotten your manners, I wonder what else you had conveniently forgotten." He snarled.

"I am sorry, I hadn't realized that the Council doesn't speak for themselves but has others speak for them." I responded.

"Are you insinuating that we cannot speak for ourselves?!" The Third Member yelled.

"Not at all. I am simply observing that Elder Jalone seems to be answering all my questions and coming up with his own. I was wondering if this was intentional or not."

"I should say not! Elder Jalone, we are capable of speaking for ourselves. In the meantime, you should head to the hospice tree. You are still in recovery are you not?" The First Council Member spoke up again.

"I am well enough to sit in if you so wish Council. I should stay to make sure this Ximian Trash doesn't try anything manipulative." Jalone snarled in my direction.

"ELDER JALONE! That is no way to treat a royal guest. Leave at once!" The Second and oldest Member shouted at him and I had to resist the urge to smile.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, little slut." Jalone whispered before he hurried out of the Council Tree. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before smiling up at the council members.

"Thank you. Now shall we get to negotiating terms of peace?"

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