They both die in the end

Start from the beginning

We got into battle formation before the thing, that reminded me of Borys from DND, could swat at Steve and Nancy.

"Hey! Over here!" Yelled Mike to the monster.

A couple yards to the right Dustin shouted, "No over here!"

And to my left Lucus was waving his arms around and making loud noises to distract the red beast. I was the one taking first shot, I stepped closer and closer until I could nearly reach out and touch him. That's when I let the flame torch the monster, it stumbled back in shock and roared in pain, but kept standing. Dustin and Lucus began throwing fire-works and other explosives at its head, trying to blind it, while Steve and Nancy did the same to its legs, attempting to make it fall.

Not after to long I watched as it fell to the ground. Creating a large crash as it fell onto the trees, branches snapping and flying in every direction. The next thing I know a large red tail is coming my way and I fade into black, crumbling to the forest floor.

*Mikes POV*

I was scouring an area to go for the final hit after the beast fell, I didn't have much time as it began to stir not soon after dropping. I ran along the side of it, Dustin and Lucus following me, searching for anything to give a good last poke at. Finally reaching the neck of the three heads, I thought would be the best bet at killing it.

As I lifted my sword to slice them off, Dustin yelled to stop, "what if it's like a hydra and it grows back extra heads?" He said, panic masking his face.

"I don't think we have time to argue, it's getting up," Lucus interrupted, his voice shaking.

So before it could reach back and tear us to shreds with one of its heads I lifted the sword back over my head and swung down with all my might. It was like cutting pudding, I was expecting it to clang off its body, but it easily slid through the slimy neck region, all the way through to the ground. The monster went limp after that, but just in case I went around and chopped at it with the sword.

As the three of us rounded the corner at the end of the beast, Steve, Nancy and Robin were all sitting around a figure who was laying on the ground.

*Steves POV*

Finding Will sprawled out in the dirt, I thought the worst. Rushing to his side I fell to my knees and took him in my arms. His eyes were closed and blood trickled down the side of his head were the impact must of hit, causing him to go unconscious.

"He's still breathing," I sighed as Nancy and Robin stood around me.

"Will!?" I heard Mike and the other boys yell as they ran over to us.

"He's going to be okay, just bumped his head. He'll be good as new once he gets some medical treatment," Nancy said with a smile.

"Stupid, he played fireball to save the party," Mike said with a small reminiscing smile.

Picking the limp boy up I carried him, Robin leaning on Nancy and Mike, as we all made our way to the new gate below Hawkins lab. We could only hope Eddie and Eleven were okay.

*Eddies POV*

I watched as the two super-powered humans duked it out. They sent each other flying through the air, and at times it looked like a twisted dance, as they spun around taking turns to lash out at the other. Looking around I found a sharp looking stick that was floating among the other weird things, and stood, watching as they tore each other apart. I had to do something before it got out of hand, before Eleven couldn't hold her ground anymore. I could tell her breathing was becoming more labored and her arms were shaking as blood dripped down both her nostrils. Vecna looked beat up, but not so tired, he had a strong mind set and powers. They paused at the sound of a large crash, looking towards the rift that showed the rest of the gang, big red had fallen. Mike was creeping to its necks and he sliced it clean from the body.

Vecna let out a scream and tried to go to the fallen beast, but El kept her grip on him. Now was my chance, I silently made my way behind Vecna and as he turned I stabbed him through his heart, his eyes went round as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Gotcha you son of a bitch," I said grinning my fangs poking through my lips.

He chuckled, "it is the end, but for the both of us," he said as he dropped to the ground.

Looking down at his corpse I saw his long fingers covered in blood, Elevens voice was muffled as she ran to us. I lifted my hand and felt something warm and sticky dribbling down my stomach. Panicking I pulled off my shirt and found the old wounds were reopened by Vecnas grimy hand. Falling to my knees I felt the girl over me placing her hands on my shoulders, telling me to get up, but I couldn't. The pain was as bad as when the bats first ripped into me.

I felt as El used most of her remaining strength to help me. The bleeding stopped as soon as it began, the purple ooze the bats placed into me being sucked out. It was painful, and I know I was screaming the whole time. But when she was finished I couldn't feel the tail or wings, the fangs were smaller but still present, probably an after effect.

I was panting heavily, sweat dripping in my eyes as I watched the red domain crumple around us and Vecnas body turn to dust.

"He's dead," I said my hands shaking with relief that I had somehow made it out alive, and turned back to normal.

"Yes, it is over," Eleven whispered. "Tell Mike, I will miss him, and that I Love him." I heard her say.

Glancing over I saw her conscious body fading. "Your telling him yourself, your going back to your body, right?" I shouted, trying to grab ahold of her, my hand going through, and then she vanished.

I'm not sure where she went. She could've went back to her body, or I just watched her die.

𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now