Ships #2

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"Right, so we are reacting to more ships"

"Yay" said Reyna sarcastically

"Don't worry there's only one ship with you in it. First is Pipabeth"
"This could be platonic" said Piper
"We do act like sisters" mused Annabeth
"Nope" said Percy and Jason
"Too late" said Annabeth "I'm with Piper now"
"NOOO BETH" wailed Percy
"Don't worry Seaweed Brain it was a joke" said Annabeth laughing
"Don't laugh it's a genuine concern" said Percy way too seriously
Annabeth kissed him to make him shut up.
Meanwhile everyone else was enjoying the Percabeth show. 

"As much as I love Percabeth moving on, Jercy"
"Oh gods" Annabeth said "3...2...1"
"I KNOW BRO" replied Jason just as loud
Meanwhile, Grover was sitting there like "Have I turned invisible" which Percy noticed 'cause empathy link and all and gave Grover a huge hug.

"Next, Jasico"
"What goes on in people's minds?" questioned Percy "First Percico now Jasico, the three of us act like brothers. And Hazel and Thalia are also our sisters"
"I don't get this" said Will "Do people know that most of us are dating someone? And that we all act like a chaotic family?"

"Yes and they don't really care, it's like a in another world situation. Moving on! Preyna"
"Are all of these torturous?" asked Annabeth "And why do so many include Percy?"

"Yeah, people especially like shipping Percy and Nico with different characters"
"Oh gods" said Will and Annabeth at the same time
"I literally liked Percy for the smallest time and respected that he had a girlfriend, who is lovely might I add and am now really good friends with both of them!" said Reyna exasperated
"Thanks Rey" replied Annabeth
"This does NOT make any sense" said Rachel

"Now for this last one if any of you need to cry, well...I'll cry with you. Charlena"

Annabeth started crying into Percy's chest who immediately hugged her. His eyes then started watering and soon he had tears streaming down his face. Clarisse started crying and Chris was comforting her. Everyone who was present for the battle of Manhatten looked really sad and everyone else was confused (Except Piper and Leo, they were sad too).

"Who was Charlena?" asked Hazel
"They were two demigods who sacrificed themselves for us to win" said Annabeth still crying
"They were heroes" said Travis, the most serious and sad he'd ever been
"Silena Beaudegard, Daughter of Aphrodite" said Clarisse
"Charles Beckendorf, Son of Hephaestus" said Percy
"Charlena" realized Reyna


I think that was the most I've ever written in such a short amount of time. 

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Bye fellow demigods!

-A Purple Brit

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