He looked up to see what this place was called and the name was plastered above the door of the hall. 'Public bathing suite' was engraved on the wall.

He heaved a sigh before stripping naked , then he got in. Some places had door but some people decided to take their bath publicly.

He went into one of the places that had a door and hanged his towel then began to take his bath.

When his face was covered with soap , he felt his door open and some masculine voices followed.

He then felt a strong grip around his head and suddenly he felt a bang on his head.

He tore his eyes open only for the soap to intrude into his eyes causing him to grimace in pain.

Asad felt another strong grip around his head again and the person hit his head against the door.

Feeling frustrated, Asad pulled out of his grip but suddenly slid to the floor causing him to shout in pain.

He could taste his blood as he laid on the floor. He felt helpless and hopeless as he could not do anything but cry and that's what he did at the moment, cry before blacking out.

Asad woke up and found himself in what seemed to be a sickbay , heard footsteps and followed it with his eyes and it led him to someone familiar.

'How bad could things get?'.... Asad thought.

"Oh my , you look badly bruised" ... a chuckled escape his lips.

"What did you want" Asad said feeling annoyed.

"Nothing in particular"...Kamal answered with a shrug.

Asad narrowed his eyes at his cousin demanding for answers.

What could Kamal possibly want if not revenge for having his mother Jailed.

Yunusa and Lateef didn't bother to hide their hatred towards him so why should he?

Kamal has always been a nice person to him though but he didn't trust him.

"I went to take my bath and found you laying lifelessly on the ground" ...Kamal said in a sincere tone.

"Thank you for your help but I don't need it" ... Asad tried standing up but his joints and muscles ached him as he move them.

"The hit must have been painful" ...Kamal looked concerned.

"That's none of your business, I don't need your fake comcern"... Asad snapped at him and climbed down the bed, ignoring the pain he was feeling.

He was used to emotional pain so he could bear this.

At least his heart didn't ache this time only his bones and joints did.

Asad walked back to his hostel and retreated for the day.

I would start classes tomorrow... He thought.

The following day , he woke up and found his roommate lying comfortably in his own bed, again his back facing Asad.

Asad tore his gaze and decided to get ready for the day.

Upon standing up, he fell. He arm seriously hurt him nevertheless he didn't let that stop him from going for his classes.

He made his way to the bathing suite. It was less crowded today. Maybe it's because he came earlier.

He quickly took his bath and made his way to class.

As soon as he stepped foot in, all eyes fell on him.

"Are you part of this class young man?" The professor asked.

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