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-Quiet my little one, we are almost there. I wonder why this place is called the Cursed Caldera ?

The figure walked through the forest, although calling a forest, old withered trees, was a bit over the top. The figure suddenly saw a huge creature lying knocked down in front of it.

-What is it ?!

The figure screamed in fear, the same moment a creature that resembled a huge leech appeared from behind.

The child held in its arms suddenly began to cry. The monster at the same moment dissolved.

-What happened ?

-Please forgive me, I did not want to frighten the child.

The figure looked in the direction from which it heard the voice.

-As I guessed, you are the one looking for me.

-Are you the healer ? If so then I need your help.

-No, I am not a healer, but if I can help, I will help. What brings you to me ? 

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