Name: LilacBerry

Commented on: October 10. 7:11am.

Comment: NAUR??


Name: LilacBerry

Posted on: October 10. 7:58am.

Message: the worst thing just happened to me. my socks got wet and i can't change.


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: October 10. 8:11am

Comment: Oh NO thats horrid


October 10. 9:30am.

Fred: AAAA

Conner: AAAAAA

Conner: wait why are we screaming

Fred: Persoanlly I think its VERY UNFAIr that basketball practice is cancelled but not school

Fred: if icant play basketball then what's the point of going to school

Conner: fr [doesn't play basketball]

Fred: >:(

Conner: btw can u ask alex if i can borrow her calculator

Fred: bro she's your sister ask her yourself?

Conner: yEAH but she doesnt use her phone in school so I cant text her

Conner: and ive got to rush to the labs right after this and math is right after science

Fred: fineeee

Fred: I'll be ur messenger owl

Conner: thanks bro :)

Fred: absolutely cannot believe im talking to ur twin sister for you

Conner: lol i know alex has always been your favorite

Fred is typing...

Conner: just kidding

Fred is typing...

Conner: ok ive got to go ttyl

Fred: ttyl


Name: LilacBerry

Posted on: October 10. 11:18am.

Message: is anybody online at this hour? the rain is just getting worse. i think we should be allowed to go home early


Name: UndeadFox

Comment posted on: October 10. 11:23am.

Comment: Yeah thats what my entire class is discussing rn. Free period woo


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