002. heaven knows i'm miserable now

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"heaven knows i'm miserable now"
by the smiths

" i was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
but heaven knows i'm miserable now
i was looking for a job, and then i found a job
and heaven knows i'm miserable now
in my life
why do i give valuable time
to people who don't care if i live or die? "

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"a hard days night"
season 1, episode 1

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eleanor woke up bright and early for her first shift at seattle grace. she showered and got ready, not putting in too much effort knowing she was only going to change into scrubs when she got there and work the longest shift of her life.

she got into the car she was currently renting and made her way to the hospital. she parked into a spot by the south entrance. the place was huge, and definitely intimidating. she took a deep breath in and out and walked through the doors of the hospital. the place she would be spending. most of her time for the next several years. it was crazy to her that after all those years of school she was finally here, she was actually a doctor now.

she found the hallway that the chief of surgery wanted to meet all the new interns at after getting lost what felt like a million times. she spotted a few people she recognized, the brooding boy with the buzzcut, alex karev. george o'malley, or bambi, as alex had put it. then there were a few others that she hadn't met but had seen at the mixer. the curly-haired asian woman, she seemed eager and kind of like a try-hard. then there was the tall blonde that she had noticed george talking to. she was pretty. she hadn't seen meredith yet, but eleanor assumed she was just running behind. she recognized the chief of surgery as he walked over, he began his speech.

"each of you comes here today hopeful, a month ago, you were in med school, being taught by doctors." he unlocked a door that was in front of them and walked in, turning on the lights. she watched meredith sneak in through the door just as he began. "today... you are the doctors." the operating room filled with the new interns. "the seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. you will be pushed to the breaking point. look around you. say hello to your competition. eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. five of you will crack under the pressure. two of you will be asked to leave. this is your starting line. this is your arena. how well you play... that's up to you." he spoke dramatically.

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"only 6 women out of 20." meredith spoke up.

"yeah. i hear one of them's a model. seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing?" the curly haired woman she hadn't met yet said back.

"i mean hey, she's probably debt free, you'd do it too for a check." eleanor opposed.

"you're cristina, right?" meredith asked the girl, ignoring eleanor's comment.

"which resident are you assigned to? i got bailey." cristina replied.

"the nazi? me too." meredith said.

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