The fifth gate has opened

Start from the beginning

"Eh, the first time was kinda our fault. Plus he was being controlled the last time," Robin said.

"Iv been thinking about that," Nancy inquired while stoping in her tracks. "Remember when Vecna got into my head to scare us and send a message? What if he's doing that to Eddie." She said.

"Like telepathic communication? If he's threatening Eddie with something big enough for him to want to go back, it means something wrong," I said.

"Yea, it's probably a trap. Everything has been part of Vecnas plan so far, Im betting, returning into the upside-down after Eddie is part of his move," Nancy said.

"Great so we just hitch-hiked all the way back here for nothing?" Robin complained.

"No, we need to find a landline to call the others. I have a plan," Nancy declared.

*Mikes POV*

Right after Johnathan hung up the phone, it rang.

"Hello?" I said answering.

"Mike, it's Nancy, make sure you get this, because I'm not repeating myself," she said.

Going silent, she took that as a sign to continue, "we made it back to the trailer gate, but we think it's a trap, so we're going to need backup. Don't come to us, head back to the creel house and enter through that gate," she said.

"Then what?" I asked

"Your going to need to bring as much fire power and guns you can find, and bring El," She said. "When you enter the gate meet us back at our house, I'll explain more there," She added.

Hanging up and telling everyone the plan, Johnathan picked up El and we all headed back to the creel house. Argyle drove, and we all crammed in next to all the weapons we had.

Entering the creel house, I noticed a sword hanging on the wall as decor, I grabbed it for an emergency. Shoving it in my belt loop we made our way to the edge of the gate, and went in one-by-one, headed to the upside-down version of my house.

Robin, Steve, and my sister were already there and waiting. We all gathered in the usual spot as Nancy announced her master plan to outsmart Vecna once again.

"First, Argyle and Johnathan will stay here with Eleven. Steve and I will head around to the front of Hawkins lab as bait. This time allowing Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucus to through the woods as the main attack force. Robin, I need you to be on lookout, so that means you sit and spy," Nancy said wrapping up.

"Spy on what?" Robin asked.

"Everything. Report anything you see that could attack us so we know before it does," Nancy said with a sigh.

"But what if something gets me first?" Robin said.

"Then scream," Steve said with a laugh.

*Steve's POV*

At first, tension was high as Nancy and I walked silently to Hawkins lab, but I decided to break the silence, "nance, you remember the dream I had, the one with the six kids and you were there?" I asked nervously. If we didn't make it, I wanted to be true to my feelings without any interruptions.

"Steve..."she said

I cut her off before she could shut me down, "it was all true, every last word. And I know you love Johnathan, and I can only dream that you were still with me, but I just, I just need to say I still love you. You mean the world to me." I said stumbling over my words.

Nancy pulled my arm yanking me away from a tree I almost hit and pulled me close. "Steve, yes I have feelings for Johnathan, but I love you." She said as she pulled me in, kissing the side of my mouth.

Startled at the sudden show of affection I pulled back. "Woah, hey Nancy, I'm thrilled, but your still with Johnathan, and that's not right."

"Actually we kinda broke up," she said looking at the ground.

"What? When?" I asked

"Remember the night you brought Eddie? How you and I argued and Johnathan took my side. Well he didn't really, we fought more after that, and then I caught him smoking outside. Next thing I know he's telling me he's not coming to college with me, that we were drifting apart. He said he didn't share the same dream I did anymore, and he wanted me to be happy, he didn't want to pull me down," she said tears forming in her eyes. "But I still wanted to be with him, after all we've been through, he saved me, I can never repay him." She finished while wiping tears from her eyes.

"Nancy, hey Nancy, look at me," I said cupping the side of her face gently. "You shared trauma. I think you started to confuse that as feelings for each other. Sure you had things in common, and hell, you might have even fallen in love, but you don't owe him anything." I said as I pulled her into a hug. "Just know I still love you, I'll be here for you even after this. Just think about it." I whispered.

We broke apart at the sound of footsteps, but not human ones. These were like Godzilla sized steps and with each one it kept getting louder and closer.

"Code red!" Robin voiced over the walkie I was holding. "It's the mind flare, and it's back with a new look," she yelled.

"Copy, what's its 10.20?" I asked.

"Look to the right," she said.

Looking in the direction of Hawkins lab, it was in ruins. The only thing left was a giant three headed dragon that resembled the mind flare.

"I think I know what caused the real lab to have an explosion," I said, never taking my eyes off the monster.

*Hoppers POV*

I drove Joyce to the place I never wanted to go back to, Hawkins lab. The place was full of bad memories, especially for Joyce. We hopped out her car and walked to the front doors, pushing them open they creaked on there rusting hinges. Cracks littered the walls and floors, all which led to the basement.

"God dammit, I hope this isn't what I think it is," I said looking at Joyce.

"They all lead in one direction, I think we should prepare for the worst," she said grabbing my hand as we made our way to the cellar.

Reaching the bottom, the smell of sulfur and metal burned my tongue as I shoved a bookcase blocking the door away. Looking in I saw the worst possible scenario, the gate El had used all her strength on, was back open. Joyce gasped and I squeezed her hand trying to comfort her.

"Looks like we have work to do," I said.

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