Prologue: Enter the dragon

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Magic: An other-worldly source that practices the beliefs, rituals, and actions that manipulate natural and supernatural beings and forces. Through generations, magic develops from a connection with the spiritual essence of people and animals. But in another world, a unique race of intelligent and powerful creatures possessed mana with no equal; they were dragons. In later years, they would teach humans a sacred technique made to kill dragons, but one human used his newfound power to kill every dragon in sight until he was corrupted and became one himself. After years of his rampage, a group of dragons hatched a plan to end the dark dragon. Despite the possibility of an inevitable death, they paid a toll for the sake of protecting humanity. However, something would happen to the spirits of a selected group of dragons as their souls would find their way to another world where magic permeates everyone and everything, unlike their home.


The scene opens up on a cold night in the village of Hage. Father Orsi has returned from a last-minute trip to the neighboring towns.

Orsi: What a day; first, we have two new arrivals, and now it's night? That run took longer than I thought. Ah well.

When Orsi reached the church, he was about to call it a day when he heard someone in the distance. At first, he thought it was the kids he brought in today, but the voice came from outside the church. He decided to see what it was until he found a casket with a crying child on the church's doorstep.

Orsi: (Another child?!) Where have you come from, little one?

Orsi picked up the crying child to ease his tension until he finally calmed down. The boy had black ruffle hair with burgundy tips, and his casket carried a slip of paper with the child's name; (Y/N). Questions filled the father's mind about the child's family or who would leave him in the den at night. But his questions were cut short when the child opened his emerald eyes, and an array of multi-colored lights emitted from the baby. Orsi looks in shock at this dense amount of mana. But the moment it appeared, it vanished without a trace.

Orsi: (Was that...your mana? It was so immense for a child at this age.)

Little did he know, this child would have the making of something unreal in his future.


Years have passed since Father Orsi found (Y/N) that night. After being brought into the church, (Y/N) has grown up with the orphans and villagers of Hage; he's mostly known for his ruffled hair with burgundy tips and emerald green eyes amongst the villagers. After getting older, he became accustomed to the daily chores around the village- such as harvesting crops, cleaning around the church, and even doing the laundry with the other foster kids in the orphanage along with Father Orsi and the church's sister, Lily Aquaria. For a young boy of his age, he became a great help to many of the villagers in need, helping some cropping the fields, gathering firewood, hell, sometimes he goes into town with Father Orsi for delivery runs. Even though they're commoners, he enjoyed living a modest life helping around the village, especially with his two foster brothers; one is a young boy with light green eyes and messy silver-white hair with a loud and excessive personality named Asta, and another with messy black hair and golden eyes who was reserved to himself but is well mannered named Yuno. Asta would always be the one who tried to set an example even though he tended to goof up and be excessive. But he has a can-do attitude where he never quits, no matter how annoying it may get. Yuno, in contrast, is a bit softer. He's more soft-spoken and finds it hard to stand up for himself. He can't help it, and sometimes he gets teary-eyed. But still, he sticks by everyone and finds the strength to keep up with Asta and (Y/N). And they've always had Yuno's back. Yuno admires Asta's determination and lively attitude- In addition to (Y/N)'s support and kindness, the three somewhat balance each other. Even though they weren't related by blood, they saw each other as family. It wouldn't be long before they learned of the discrimination the villagers received from the royals and nobility in the capital. (Y/N) would think it's not right to label them out because of their status and power, but they would also learn of the magic knights and the tale of the first wizard king. Asta declares he will become the wizard king because of his relevance to the people. If it means giving to the villagers in Hage, he will do it. After that, (Y/N) and Yuno couldn't help being shocked, but they couldn't help but be in awe. Even (Y/N) thought about how those with power should use their gifts for the better of others than themselves. So he decided he would become a strong mage who could give to those in need, someone who goes higher than the wizard king and protects the weak and less fortunate.

The dragon knight (Black clover x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora