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Since the day I could read and write my papa and mama gave me three simple rules to be followed. There was no such thing as not listening to these rules, or it would be followed by a punishment. A punishment I've had to already experience enough for me to even fathom breaking the rules.

Number 1
Always keep your mouth shut and your face to the floor since that's where your worth is at.

Number 2
Never take the attention away from Anastasia.

Number 3
Never leave the mansion unless told to.

Those three rules have been controlling my life since I could walk. Fortunately for me I've gotten so used to it that it hasn't become too much for me to handle.

Just follow mama and papas rules and I wouldn't get a punishment. Easy right?

Sighing I look out of my window trying to distract myself from my useless thoughts. I was told to wear no makeup and dress as average as I could today since Anastasia's supposed soon to be husband would be coming over and me dressed up would take away her attention. Well, at least that's what she told me last night.

I don't think I could ever take attention away from her anyways, no one could. Anastasia was probably the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and anyone who'd think otherwise was probably insane.

She could speak multiple languages, play multiple instruments, was smart in every subject, and was as elegant as a girl could be. Anastasia got the best education and childhood growing up.

I was always jealous of how she got new dresses, she got hugs from mama and papa, she got all the love. Ever since I was a child all I got was nasty words and hits.

It all started after my oldest brother Nikolai died trying to save me from an attack by the Spanish mafia when I was four years old.

His birthdays terrified me the most. Every year I was thrown into a small dark room and punished by my father for the death of his son. And every year it got worse, his punches would get harder and the punishment would last longer.

This year I had bruises for weeks, the most I'd had in a while.

A sudden loud knock on my bedroom door made me jump in surprise and I quickly walk over to the door, opening it to find my mama who walked in with an angry expression on her face.

I drop my head to the floor and wait until she fully walks in before turning to her.

I wonder what it is this time.

" Connor Agosti, the new Italian mafia leader, will be coming over in a couple of hours to choose who he would like to take his hand in marriage for our alliance deal. Although we all know who he will choose I need you to make yourself as invisible as you can." Mama says, and I nod my head not daring to look into her eyes. They always get mad when I speak, saying It was a shame I was even given a mouth to speak with.

Suddenly I'm grabbed by the collar and forced to look at my mama who had eyes filled with too much hatred to be looking at her own child with, a gasp leaving my mouth.

" And you little slut better not say a thing when he comes over or god forbid I'll have you locked up in a dungeon." She snarls, letting go of my collar harshly and pushing me down on the floor.

I push my hands on the floor before me to soften my landing while my mama storms out of my room, slamming the door shut.

Tears fall down my face as much as I try holding them back and I push myself back up, dreading having to meet this guy with Anastasia.

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