"My uncle came over yesterday and he's not really right in the head, according to my parents and my family because he says some weird stuff." Moon nods, hearing her out. "He was rambling on about these supernatural creatures, because he's into that stuff. I started to listen to him because I had nothing to do..and the creatures he were talking about might make me sound crazy but he gave some really creepy evidence that backs up those creatures existence."

"All ears." Moon comments.

"Werewolves were the first thing that came up. He said werewolves are normally meant to have glowing eyes, green if they just turned, yellow if they're in a pack and blue eyes if they're a leader of a pack. Their pulse often raises which makes them sensitive to most things. And they're supposed to have really long nails. This one, I'm a bit iffy about cause I've never seen anything like this--"

Oh but Karina, I have. Does that mean, Minghao is a werewolf? 

Memories of the first time she saw Minghao, with yellow eyes came flooding back. 

That means he's apart of a pack, and packs are known to stick together, so Hoshi, Dino, and Jun are too!?  Then who is the leader.

"Moving on, Demons. My uncle had to whisper for this one since I live in a religious home, but Demons are known to be tricky, playful and a bad temper. Ahem, let me take you back to that one time in Math. Mingyus eyes... Mingyus hand balling into a fist and Vernon practically hid him to let him transform back! Therefore, Mingyu is a demon and so are Vernon, Scoups, and Wonwoo."

"Karina, you're scaring me." Moon said getting shivers.

It made sense. That time in the classroom, which I still haven't told Karina yet, whoops. 

"And those boys out there?" Karina checked the entrance, making sure they weren't near. "They're vampires, Moon."

"Vampires?" It didn't seem real to Moon but her face went cold. It connected and made sense.

"Yes, Moon. Look, I don't know what Demons, Vampires, and or Werewolves want with you but I can feel that it isn't good."

"Ugh, since when did everything go to shit? Remember when we were just talking about SEVENTEEN, the boy band and all of a sudden they're these creatures?" Karina patted her friend.

"I know Moon, thats why I am going to stay with you from now on. I have no idea where your siblings are but what if one day, I find you torn up on a full moon? Or your blood fully drained out of you? Or a demon, I don't know does demon stuff? You're quite literally my only friend and I would like to keep you...alive preferably." Karina worried but Moon just held onto her shoulder.

"That won't happen, they're nice. Right?" Karinas eyes and body language already gave her a clear answer.

"They want something and I'm gonna figure it out." Karina said determined. The bell had rung.

"Well, what do I do now? I have class with the, supposed werewolves." Moon scratched the back of her neck.

"Try to figure out if its true, like talk about wolves and see how they react." Karina nudged. 


"Hey Moon, you feeling better?" Hoshi asked. Moon simply nodded.

"I watched this movie, it made me feel better." Moon replied.

"Oh really? What movie?" Minghao questioned.

"We should have a movie night of our own!" Dino suggests.

"Yeah, I'd love to have a movie night Dino! And the movie was about this werewolf--" Moon tried to look at the three, to see if they had any reaction, but they didn't. They just listened attentively.

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