Moon sighed looking at the new school and her new surroundings. Her heart was beating straight out of her chest. Not only was she nervous but she was a complete loner but her only family was her brother and her sister, both older and in college. I wonder what this school is gonna be like. After all I'm stuck here for the rest of my school years.

She makes her way into the building and looks at her schedule, her first period for the day was math.

Ugh, are you kidding me? I can barely even walk straight to school without passing out from being tired and I have to do history first thing in the morning? I'm already getting cranky.

"Tsk." Was all that escaped from her mouth. She looked down at the schools map and back up rapidly, making sure she was going the right way. That was till she felt a force push upon her and she landed on the ground. She looked up to see a boy with black hair, staring down right at her. Something was off about him, before she could let a word from her mouth, she realized that from his mouth were straight blood dripping down and his eyes were a dark glowing red. She let out a shriek and only grabbed her phone, running away as fast as she could. She never looked back. She didn't even realize that she was just ran into an unknown place and the bell had just rung.

Oh no, I can not be late!

She realized that her class luckily was just one story above her so she quickly jogged to her class and opened the door. Everyone stared at her and the teacher did so too.

"Hello! My name is Moon, I'm so sorry I'm late, I got a little lost." Moon hollered. The teacher then let out a smile and a sigh.

"Oh! Well, in that case I will let it slip." He leans in and assures. Moon nods back. "Class, this is one of our new students, Moon! Treat her well." Moon bows in front then her eyes shift on the seats. "Sit anywhere you'd like, Moon. There are no assigned seats." Moon then sat right by the window, there she could settle in. She got out her notebook and tried to pay attention but she just couldn't. Where she looked out the window was where she fell and met that boy..or thing. The thought of blood dripping out his mouth, and it didn't seem as if he'd gotten into a fight or something. Not only that but his eyes, his pupils were straight red. Moon felt a tap on her shoulder, bringing her out of her trance. A girl with black long hair, and cute facial features who had an awkward smile came to her.

"Wanna be my partner?" She beams. 

Partner? When did he say anything about partners?

The girl noticed the confusion on Moons face and decided to elaborate. "He said that we would be getting into partners to solve the worksheet." She says and turns, everyone were in duos.

"Oh! Sorry, I must have dozed off whilst he was explaining, but yes, let's be partners." Moon welcomed. She did a little sigh of relief and moved a seat next to mine.

"I really like your name, it's pretty." She points out.

"I'm flattered." Moon purses her lips and she giggles. "Whats your name?"

"Karina." She grinned.

"Says you! Your name literally means pure. If thats not one of the most elegant meanings ever!"

"Haha, since my family is catholic, my name was Katarina but I prefer to be called Karina." She explains. Moon simply nods. "So, were you able to check out the school?"

"Uh, Kind of." An image of the boy popped up in Moons head but she shook it away. "Its a little confusing."

"Well, let me take you on a tour! So you can get used to the school."

Moons face lit up. "That would be amazing, thanks Karina!"

"No problem, I can sense we're gonna be great friends already." Karina gushed.

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