I set my fancy apron on and started working. 

"Hey Moon, could you cover for me? I promised my boyfriend a lunch." I sighed, putting my hips on one side of the body.

"Bora, I can't keep doing so. At this rate you and I might be fired." 

She sighed. "I'll give you 10,000 won!"

One good thing about Bora was that she was rich and I'm lucky to be her friend because she could give out money so easily for stupid things like this. I gesture her to go to the door and she just hugged me.

"Love ya Moon!" She says running out the door. Although she was older, she had acted like a younger sister. Now it was just me and two others working. One thing I liked about this cafe was it was peaceful and the customers were all relatively nice. We had a lot of regulars.

"The usual, Danielle?" I smiled.

"You know it." She smiles back. Danielle has been coming here ever since opening, and she always orders her usual matcha latte. After a couple minutes, I make her drink and give it to her. I take my place at the register again, looking up to see Minghao, Hoshi, and Dino. I all of a sudden got uncomfortable. I looked back to see if any of my coworkers were around but they were both in the back, probably restocking the ingredients.

Here goes my rebellion against trying to ignore SEVENTEEN

"What would you like to order?" I said still immersed in my job, acting as if I hadn't known them.

"Whats popular here?" Dino asks.

"Americano."  Moon said monotoned.

"We'll all get Americanos then and two pieces of strawberry cake." Dino smiled.

"Names?" I asked.

"Moon, cmon. You know us!" Hoshi laughed but I didn't laugh back. The atmosphere was awkward.

"Put it under Dino." Minghao spoke. 

Moon nodded, sensing the boys unusual stares towards each other and her but Minghao knew it was because of him. I made the americanos easily, placing it onto their table and grabbed the strawberry cake out.

"Enjoy." Moon said coldly.

Before she could leave the table, Hoshi grabs her wrist. The wrist with her burn. Moon winced in pain, taking it away quickly.

"Oh gosh, Moon I'm sorry, are you okay?" Hoshi apologized.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said, holding it.

"What happened?" Dino asked concerned. I side eyed Minghao who was avoiding eye contact.

"Accident at the cafe." Moon smiled but Minghao knew it was a lie. The biggest. She left without saying a word. She stood back at her spot at the register, awaiting more customers. Then, one man, who couldn't walk straight, came to the register.

"Hello, what would you like today?" Moon said, in a friendly tone.

"You're so beautiful, whats your name?" He asks, leaning over.

"Sir, if you are here for other reasons, I am going to have to kick you out." I stated fiercely. "Now, what is it you would like to order?" 

He looked slightly annoyed. "Black coffee." He slapped the money down in front and went to a table. 

Minghao, Dino, and Hoshi all stared the man down with looks that could merely kill.

Moon got the coffee out, placing it onto the table.

"Enjoy." Moon simply says but he pulls her by her skirt, making her unable to walk forward.

"When do you get off of work? We can have a fun night tonight." He smirks. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"Please let go, you're making me feel uncomfortable." Moon whispers, not wanting to disturb the other customers.'

"Hey!" A voice from behind them came and forcefully separated the man from Moons skirt.

"What the hell are you doing!?" The man yelled. The boy had slightly purplish hair.

"What the hell are you doing! Picking on people decades younger than you? Huh! Get out of here, before I break your bones."

The man simply scoffed but the boy had gotten him in a hold with his arm in the blink of an eye, I noticed his unrealistic speed but was focused more on the man.

"You wouldn't boy!" The man said. The boy started turning his arm, causing the man to groan.

"Aish! I'll leave!" He struggles to say words. The boy drops his hand and he almost runs out.

"And don't come back!" The boy yells. The boy then puts a hand on Moons shoulders.

"You okay?" He says with a genuine tone.

"Yeah, thank you." I smiled back. For a moment, it's like Moon got lost in his eyes but he shook his head away. "Would you like anything? On the house for saving me!"

He simply laughs. "A latte would be nice, but I'm still gonna pay."

"You really don't need too!"

"Well its going to a pretty girl, so I am gonna pay." He insists. Moons cheeks turned a shade of pink and the boy just laughs.

"Jun! Over here!" Dino shouts. I saw the boy then head over to their table.

Are you kidding? He is ANOTHER member? From SEVENTEEN? From who I am trying to avoid? Yeah I definitely have a curse from them.

I made the latte quickly turning it to Jun. "Enjoy!" 

A little time has passed, serving customers and what not but I saw Hoshis table get up and get in position for something. I wanted to interfere but it grabbed all the customers attention.

"This one is for Moon." Minghao says then turns his head to face me. "Moon, I'm truly sorry about what happened. We all choreographed this dance, in hopes you'll enjoy it and forgive me."

I know I'm supposed to be scared and mad but I just couldn't hold the smile bursting on my face.

"And even if you're stuck at work, we'll bring the show to you." Hoshi smiles. The music starts, it was 'If the world was ending'. Their performance was amazing and their moves were so smooth, it was like I could feel what they were feeling through their moves. Suddenly, Minghao offers his hand to Moon, the crowd cheered. I gave him a playful stink eye and take his hand, he spun Moon around taking her and showing her off to the crowd. Soon, Dino took Moons hand, dipping her into her arms and Moon just laughed at every moment. Hoshi took Moons hand, doing a little samba and passed Moon along to Jun who had dipped her again. Soon, the dance was over and they all look to see Moons reaction, breathing heavily.

"Wow, you guys are amazing." Moon chuckled.

"So, do you forgive me?" Minghao asked, awaiting an answer.

"Of course, I love all you guys! Thank you!" Moon squeezed all of them in a big hug.

"Y-you love us?" Dino stammered. For some reason, he didn't look happy about it.

"Love is a strong word. Are you sure you love us?" Jun asked.

"Yes, you guys are the best!" 


"We shouldn't have done that today." Dino said to the others.

"Why not? We needed to fix the mess Minghaos situation." Jun sighed.

"She told us that she loved us." Hoshi mumbled, slouching on the couch.

"Don't tell me you guys are growing weak. We're still in competition." Jun said coldly. None of the three answer. "Mingyu has already started their process, and we can't wait much longer. Only one of us needs to rip her to shreds, so I will be the one to do it, since you all clearly have lost it for this..girl."

Dino, Minghao, and Hoshi all shared a mutual saddened look.

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