Comenzar desde el principio

I admired his naked back and tight ass.

Harry was undeniably hot.

I was about to drift off when I heard loud voices.

"She's jet-lagged, she can't see you." Harry spoke.

"C'mon, I have to tell her I'm sorry!"

It was Louis.

I tensed up.

Was I ready to face him?

I pulled myself together, grabbed one of Harry's over-sized t-shirts and made my way over to the door.

They became silent when I had appeared.

Louis gawked at me. And Harry was examining me and he shot me his famous unimpressed gaze.

What's his problem?

I looked down at myself and realized I hadn't put on any bottoms and

Harry's shirt only managed to cover the essentials; I was completely bare other than that.

I squirmed under their gazes and stood beside Harry.

" Hi." I spoke shyly to both of the boys.

" Hey Marina." Louis spoke politely.

His eyes were filled with sincerity and I knew he was ready to make amends.

" I just wanted to take the time and apologize in person. I was completely stupid and hopefully you can accept me as a friend." Louis spoke.

" I accept your apology and I'd love to have another friend." I joked.

He smiled happy at my friendly attitude and his gaze then shifted across my body.

Harry noticed this and stepped in front of me, blocking Louis' viewpoint.

" See you later, mate." He spoke hastily.

" Goodnight, Harry. Marina." He nodded towards the both of us.

" Goodnight, Louis." I practically yelled and waved at him briefly.

Harry nearly slammed the door on Louis and turned towards me. I could sense the anger boiling inside him.

I smiled sweetly and put my arms behind my back.

" What were you thinking?" He questioned strictly.

"You seem to have me at a disadvantage." I spoke mildly.

He seemed to have reached the peak of his anger and pinned me against the wall.

I squeaked, surprised at his forward actions.

"Were you intentionally putting on a show for Louis?" He spoke suspicious.

I shook my head and remained reserved.

" Why would you do that? You know how jealous I am?" he spoke earnestly.

I bit my bottom lip and continued to silently taunt him.

" Damn it, Marina!" He was utterly frustrated and it amused me.

" You're so obtuse sometimes, Harry."

He looked at me slightly offended by my words. I laughed.

" I was putting on a show for you,silly. You're my boyfriend, not Louis." I teased

Harry looked at me for a moment and then a slow smirk was plastered onto his face.

He brushed my sides slowly and closed the proximity between us.

" You astound me Marina."

"How, so?" I fished for answers.

"Well, for starters your beautiful..intelligent..funny..adorable..frustrating...desirable...and sexy." Harry kissed me between each word.

I kissed him on his nose lightly and we gazed at each other.

The next morning I was awaken by my phone and I zoomed out of bed to answer it.

I was on the phone with Lana as I prepared breakfast for Harry and I. There was a knock on the door and I left to answer it.

Louis stood in front of me and grinned widely.

I was a bit taken back by his arrival. I told Lana I'd call her back and I let Louis in.

I continued to prepare breakfast and Louis sat at the breakfast bar behind me.

" To what do I owe this pleasure?" I put on a friendly grin.

" I wanted to have a word with you...alone." Louis spoke.

I froze at his use of word.

He was now standing directly beside me as, I flipped pancakes.

"You need to understand that when I was aggressive with you that day it was only because of my personal problems.

I've been going through a rough patch with my girlfriend Eleanor and its been tremendously affecting my behavior these past days.

And seeing you and Harry together and how happy you two are, infuriated me, I was burning with envy." He confessed.

I drank in his confession. I've wrongfully judged him.

I'm such a bitch.

Doing the unthinkable, without another peep, I gathered Louis in a firm hug.

He was shocked by my friendly gesture but requited my gesture.

Harry made his entrance and his usual confident walk flattened when he witnessed Louis and I embracing.

I dropped my arms and went back to preparing breakfast.

Louis announced his departure.

" Louis, if you ever need anyone to talk to..." I offered.

Louis understood my proposal and left me with a hostile Harry.

We ate breakfast in silence.

You could feel the tension in the air.

I rose from my seat to clear up but Harry halted me.

" I'll do it. You cooked, I'll clean." He spoke solemn.

I nodded and sped off to Harry's bedroom.

I dialed Lana's number and spoke to her.

I was in the bathroom, fixing my make-up and chatting to Lana when, I was jolted by a pounding on the bathroom door.

I dismissed Lana and stood by the door.

" Marina!" Harry yelled and pounded his fists against the door.

" Open this door!" He shouted.

" Fuck! Marina!" He pounded harder.

I stepped away from the door and sat on the toilet cover.

He continued to pound on the door, harsher each time.

I was completely terrified.

What was he angry about?

Harry has never behaved so...savagely.

I did the only thing I could. I picked up my phone and dialed Niall's number.

He picked up on the second ring.

" Marina! How are you,love?"

I managed a whimper.

"Niall..." I whispered.

" What's the matter? What's going on?!" He questioned frantic.

I softly sobbed.

" I...I" Harry interrupted by pounding one last hard time and screaming my name.

Niall heard Harry's sudden outburst.

" Marina! I'm coming over."

And he hung up.


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