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'All along it was a fever

A cold sweat hot-headed believer

I threw my hands in the air and said, "Show me something,"

He said, "If you dare come a little closer."

Round and around and around and around we go

Oh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know.'

The door knob rattled and I became anxious.

Niall bombared the bathroom, scooped me up into his arms and bolted out the door.

I whimpered into his shoulder as he carried me to his flat.

He kicked the door open.

" Is she alright?"

I tilted my head up and saw Zayn's concerned face.

Niall set me down gently onto the couch and the boys sat around me.

I brushed my face with the back of my hand and couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Marina. You have to tell us what happened." Zayn insisted.

I told them everything.

They sat and looked at each other trying to put pieces together.

That's when the front door flung open to a wild Harry.

I grabbed the fabric of Niall's shirt and hid behind him.

Harry was stomping towards us when Zayn stepped between him.

" Get out of the way!" He roared.

" Mate, I think you better go." Zayn spoke calmly.

" I'm not leaving without my girlfriend!" He shouted.

I whimpered.

" Harry, for heaven's sakes just leave. Look at the state you've put her in. She's absolutely petrified of you." Niall added.

After a couple of moments, I heard Harry storm off and I rose from the couch.

I grabbed my mobile and made a call to Lana.

I explained everything that had happened and she was about to fly down to London for me when, I stopped her.

Zayn let me sleep over at his tonight and I accepted kindly.

I've been curled up in bed for the last 3 days.

I can't face anyone.

Harry has visited but, I've refused to see him.

I was still consumed by fear.

I was afraid of the man I loved.

I wanted to be able to calm him and change his wild ways but, I didn't have the courage.

I'm such a coward.

At times, I think I might have over-exaggerated the situation.

I was a well known primadonna at heart.

I missed Harry.

I missed his kisses.

His laugh.

Being in his arms.

His touch.

I missed everything.

If I hadn't acted like such an obtuse girl hiding in the bathroom, we could be making love right now.

I threw it all away.

Zayn invited me to go out and just have some air, but I couldn't bear the idea.

I was still in a state of shock.

I wonder how Harry must be coping.

I wished we could just kiss and forget about all this petty drama.

I received several calls from Harry but, no messages.

I longed to go look for him and apologize for my stupidity but, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I layed in bed for hours, just thinking.

I received many visits from Electra, as I pondered.

And finally, one day Niall came in to

see me.

" Hi."I whispered my voice hoarse.

" Marina, you have to get out of this room. Harry is miserable. Please just do something!" He begged.

I considered Niall's instructions and got up from my bed.

I paced around the room nervously.

" I don't think Harry wants to see me, Niall. " I muttered.

"He is dying to see you. He is so brokenheartened, its become intolerable." Niall spoke.

I bit my lip anxious.

" Marina, this is your chance to make things right. Harry's waiting outside, please go talk to him." Niall implored.

I took a deep breath and proceeded to make my way to Harry.

He stood in front of Zayn's entrance and he fiddled with his long fingers.

He looked up at me and we gazed at each other for the first time in days.

Niall was right Harry didn't look like himself. His eyes were filled with sorrow.

We gazed at each other and he drank me in.

We had a generous distance separating us which was very unusual for us.

I stepped a bit closer to him.

For the first time, Harry looked self-conscious and scared.

I had to make the first move.

I took his massive hand into mine.

This touch electrified me.

It was what I was missing.

Harry's expression changed.

I kissed his fingers.

Harry looked at me surprised at my boldness.

All at once, Harry fell to the floor on his knees in front of me.

His eyes were shut but when they fluttered open they were filled with sorrow and helplessness.

He bowed his head to the floor.

He no longer showed any of tyrant qualities, he was an obedient.

This left me bewildered.

Where's the possessive Harry, I know and love?

After putting the pieces together I understood.

Holy Shit.

Harry The Submissive.


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