(Pt. 15) Tommy.....

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Tommy was not enjoying this at all, Phil didnt say the walk would take this long nor did he say they would have to walk up a hill which did not make tommy happy at all. Now it wasnt just his back and legs hurting he was getting a headache from the heat. All these feelings at once mad that fluffy feeling arise in his mind, it made him want to whine out and cry for someone to carry him the rest of the way to the shop. He couldn't, letting that feeling arise and letting out might raise suspicion or worse they might pick on him and he didnt want that not whilst the feeling was trying to burst out of his mind it would just make the situation worse for him.

He was trying too keep up with the others nut with too much going on with his body he kept slowing down and had too jog to keep up. Tommy was glad nobody had noticed, ecpecially the person in front of him (which was techno, who is normally very perceptive) he would have probably treated him like a child and that was not what he wanted at the moment. if he had someone speak or treat him like a child at the moment the feeling would probably overtake his thoughts.

Thankfully, after about another five minutes they had reached the shop which brought a wave of relief over tommy because now he could get out of the sun and probably sit down for ten minutes. That idea was brought to an end when he saw the amount of people in there, there where too many for Tommy's liking. The amount of people there exceeded Tommy's thoughts, because he was thinking that there would only be a few but there where about a hundred right now.

"alright we'll go in groups so we dont get lost and we'll have to come back here once finished so just text the group so we know"

Phil had spoken up, and took control over the situation which gave Tommy some relief because now he knew he didnt have to be alone whilst walking around. The only thing was, was that he didnt know who he was gonna go with i mean there's so many people in this group it would be hard to chose. 

Everyone was already moving into their groups, and they didnt make it look hard because they all swiftly moved to the people they wanted to be with which made tommy confused because now he had to pick who he wanted to go with. maybe he should go with someone who doesnt know his secret, but what if he happens to let the feeling take over and then they found out. it would be worse if he went with someone that did know because they would notice easier, at this moment he was having too many conflicting thoughts and was slightly panicking. Although before he could finish his thought war he felt a tap on his shoulder, this made him come back to reality and look at the person who had tapped his shoulder. It was quackity. He had too big of a smile on his face it made Tommy nervous at the thoughts that might be running through his mind, and right now these thoughts could be anything and right now those thoughts obviously involved him.

"What is it quackity?"

Tommy had asked in a small voice which made him internally cringe because he didnt want to sound like a child.

"well, i was wondering if you could come with us because we wanna do something"

Tommy was not ready for anything that would come his way but he would feel too mean saying no to quackity and he was also curious as to what they might have planned so in a robotic motion he nodded, and followed quackity over towards Karl and sapnap who where deep into a conversation with each other.

"Guys, i have him now we can go!"

Karl turned to them excitedly with a huge smile on his face, and tommy returned it although his was only slightly because he was still confused as to what he was doing.

"Im surprised he agreed, although he does look very cautious"

it was true, Tommy was been very cautious right now and not just because he was wondering what they were going too do but also because he was still getting that fluffy feeling and at this moment it wants to get out. this made him anxious because letting it out means that they would find out his secret.

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