(pt.8) big brother Dream.....

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Dream had woken up to tommy not at his side but hanging halfway off the bed, it was quite an odd sight for the morning but he cant do anything about it. He slowly lifted Tommy back up but as he did he saw his eyes slightly open, panic rose in dream because he didn't know what tommy would think to this situation.

Surprisingly, tommy didn't say anything he just kept looking at dream, that was until he hugged dream again making him unable to move again.
He moved tommy into a position to where he can get out of bed but he knew that getting downstairs would be the harder challenge.

After about 10 minutes of slow walking,so he would not drop tommy, he had gotten downstairs with alot of struggling might i add.
Though it was alot better now that he was downstairs cause he could get some food for him and tommy since tommy hadn't eaten since they got there and he was hungry.

He had walked over to the kitchen and got suprised by nikki who had just watched him struggle and was giggling a little.

"Dont laugh i have no freedom!!" Dream whisper yelled making sure not to wake tommy.

"Sorry dream its just *pft-* its just you look like your struggling alot with him and you also look very scared as if your donna drop him"
She pause trying not to laugh at him

"Why not put him down so you dont look like your about to fall over"

She kept on giggling more at dreams face as he glared at her playfully.

"I cant, hes grappled on and wont let go-"

Dream wines this because he hasnt been able to get out of tommys grasp since last night. Nikki giggled at this more because now she just found this cute.

"Maybe tommy just like you to much to let go, he  probably looks up to you-"

"Maybe but still my arms need freedom and my stomach needs food, and he also need food but is refusing-"

Nikki still couldnt help but laugh still because even though he was wining e still hadnt let go of tommy.

"Go and sut down dream an wake up tommy ill make us all some food, ill also wake the rest up because theyll think its unfair that i made food for only us"

Dream nodded and went and sat at the couch giving tommy a slight nudge once he sat down.
Tommy cracked his eyes open slightly and looked at dream, although he had still not moved from him he was atleast awake wich was an improvement.

"Tommy nikki's cooking some food so you have to get up to eat"

Dream spoke in whisper just loud enough for tommy to hear, and even though he did, he still didnt move he just wined.

"You've got to eat something okay, for me atleast because we dont want you going hungry"

Tommy wined but complied and moved of dream next to him and just as he did the rest of them came downstairs and sat wherever was free. Techno came and sat down next to tommy who yet again looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

Teachno nudged him slightly trying to get him to wake up more. Slowly tommy raised himslef up and looked over at dream.

"What is it tommy?"

Tommy just stared at him and then leaned back onto dream.

During the rest of the morning Dream had started to act more and more like an older brother to tommy, which had given tommy a sense of comfort now that he knew someone was looking after him all though what  he didnt know is that sooner or later everyone would be close to him like family.

{A/N: yes i relised this took a long time to come out but atleast it learnt from me}

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